Kim Oosterlinck

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Kim Oosterlinck

Professor of Finance at ULB research on finance, economic history and art markets
Christie's will provide four Grants for Nazi-era Provenance Research in 2024. I am extremely pleased to be part of the Grant Selection Panel. Do not hesitate to apply!
Join us next Thursday at 18:00 CET for the next TIAMSA live book discussion!! Larissa Buchholz (Northwestern Uni.) will present her new book, and then discuss it with Olav Velthuis (Uni. of Amsterdam) and Melanie Fasche (Sotheby’s Institute of Art London).
How does the art market perform during crises? our (Géraldine David, Yuexin Li, Luc Renneboog and I) answer in the Ecnomic History Review! Art was seen as a safe haven in times of political turmoil but performed poorly during economic and financial crises,
Si vous vous êtes toujours demandé comment la France avait géré son or durant la seconde guerre mondiale (je sais c'est peu probable mais sait-on jamais), j'interviens dans Retour au Sources consacré au documentaire "L'or de la France a disparu" ce 10 février!
Manuscript Monay! Paleography 🚨 can anyone help my master student with this 19thc diary entry about a party ? The two words underlined in red are missing - where do these Gentlemen go to?
Today 25 historians submitted an Amicus Brief to the United States Supreme Court on whether Donald Trump is eligible to hold office. Among the authors were Nell Painter, James McPherson, Vernon Burton, Manisha Sinha, Steve Hahn, and myself. You can read it here.
📣 2 PhD studentships are available on our Leverhulme Trust project The Material Culture of Wills 🗃️ The project uses cutting edge digital humanities tools to transcribe 25,000 #EarlyModern wills from The National Archives. Our PhDs will use this pre-populated database of wills for their research
Nouveau versement sur ma BDD : les catalogues numérisés des 15 Salons s'étant tenus entre 1848 et 1880 et leur règlement retranscrit, pour permettre des recherches plein texte. Enjoy ! (ou pas) (ça n'intéresse peut-être que moi)
A beautiful exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery. I was fascinated by this 16th century embroidery!
Ladite BDD documente les bios des 619 artistes médaillés en « Peinture » au Salon entre 1848-80 + le catalogue de leurs œuvres exposées, avec (quand j'ai pu) les infos de base, le genre pictural, des repros visuelles ou même des anthologies critiques.
C'est bon, le faire part de naissance de ma base de données doctorale est officiellement publié 🥰 J'y présente mon gros bébé de 32 387 notices (artistes, œuvres, Salons), conçu pendant le confinement 2020 et que je continue a développer depuis.
Modéliser les carrières et la reconnaissance artistiques : une Introduction Organisée à partir de 1673 par l’Académie royale des beaux-arts, puis gérée à partir de 1791 par l’État et ouverte à l’ensemble des artistes, l’Exposition de peinture et d...
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate (my family will be having Chinese food tonight). Here are some 19th century bank notes with weird Santas. Bank of Milwaukee, WI, $5, January 2, 1855, Pittsfield Bank, MA, $20, June 1, 1853, and Saint Nicholas Bank, New York, NY, $3, 18–. 🗃️
For anyone familiar with this figure, the death of Robert Solow must be sad news.
C'est bon, le faire part de naissance de ma base de données doctorale est officiellement publié 🥰 J'y présente mon gros bébé de 32 387 notices (artistes, œuvres, Salons), conçu pendant le confinement 2020 et que je continue a développer depuis.
Modéliser les carrières et la reconnaissance artistiques : une Introduction Organisée à partir de 1673 par l’Académie royale des beaux-arts, puis gérée à partir de 1791 par l’État et ouverte à l’ensemble des artistes, l’Exposition de peinture et d...
Very glad that my paper with Anne-Sophie Radermecker and Yuqing Song has found a home in the Journal of Cultural Economics. Our analysis shows that in China the price of copies may be higher than that of originals when the copying artist is known.
D'après le cartel de l'exposition Louis Janmot à Orsay, dans ce tableau "l'enfilade inquiétante des professeurs en toge symbolise la menace de l'enseignement universitaire laïc sur ces âmes innocentes". Il m'a semblé assez logique de me mettre dans la file
This helped drive home the point of how, when it comes to critical analysis of nuanced academic topics, ChatGPT produces mostly generic bullshit. Students appreciated the education, and were soon bragging about how the could spot ChatGPT’s BS on a whole range of other topics.
In one exam, instead of giving students my usual True/False questions, I gave students the questions together with ChatGPT’s responses and asked them to identify what was right (almost nothing beyond restating the prompt), what was wrong, and how so.
Open Research commitment and refusal of bibliometrics spreading in Europe? Université Sorbonne follows in the footsteps of Leiden's Centre for Science and Technology Studies and unsubscribes from Clarivate and Web of Science Communiqué ci-dessous👇
Does the China shock have a past? In pre-Civil War Spain trade shocks increased vote shares of the right. If trade remained at 1928 levels, the Popular Front would have comfortably won the decisive 1936 election. See my paper with Concha Betrán, EEH early view.
What does it mean that a powerful 18th c family, who have influenced how we think about the histories of American commerce, politics, and slavery, came to be known as a band of brothers--when they had a sister? Multidimensional historical silences & absences. 🗃️
The Brown Brothers had a Sister - Women’s work is often hidden or marginal within historical records that were meant to show men’s economic and political lives.
I am extremely happy that my paper Selective Default Expectations found a home in the Review of Financial Studies I really enjoyed working on the Dawes loan, but above all it was great to have wonderful co-authors on this project!
The 6th Economics & Politics Workshop will be held on Dec. 14 & 15 in Brussels and hosted by CEBRIG & Dulbéa - Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). And now, the final programme is online 👇
Postdoc opening! INRAE and Paris School of Economics 3 years, starts Sept 1st 2024 ✅Agricultural & Environmental economics ✅International Trade and Trade policy More info here: ⚠️ Deadline: December 1st
Attention junior scholars in economic history. New call for papers: 9th Fast Track Meeting for the European Review of Economic History. Deadline is 30 January, 2024. For more information see