Karin Wulf

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Karin Wulf


Historian of #VastEarlyAmerica | Director & Librarian @ JCBLibrary | History Prof @ Brown

#LineageTheBook OUP 2024 | Yes I’m over there, and there, not there but there — and also @ karinwulf.com
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Webinar fr Royal Historical Society on Ai and History/ Historians is already excellent & thoughtful w a great intro fr @jfwinters.bsky.social. It's being recorded so folks can watch later; I know I'll going back to it. V good blog post by Adam Budd/ info here: blog.royalhistsoc.org/2024/07/11/g...
Gen AI, History and Historians | Historical Transactionsblog.royalhistsoc.org
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Heading out to SHEAR2024 this week in Philly? Interested in pitching a piece or finding out more information about Commonplace? Production Editor Jordan Taylor @publiusorperish.bsky.social will be around to chat. Reach out to me or him to set up a meeting. 🗃️
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I wrote a book in which this dentist is a central character. He fled to Cuba during the Civil War, and his wife followed him with three enslaved children in tow. When the war ended, the children's mother went to court to get them back. Her name was Rose Herera. www.hup.harvard.edu/books/978067...
Its a smart dentist that locates next to a candy shop! #c19th 🗃️ LOC chroniclingamerica.l...#c19th 🗃️ LOC chroniclingamerica.l...
Over on Threads Jodi Cantor posted this excellent and revealing piece she did ten years ago about the Stanford class of 1994 and the politics of gender and power in Silicon Valley (and beyond). www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
For Stanford Class of ’94, a Gender Gap More Powerful Than the Internet (Published 2014)www.nytimes.com How an industry devoted to overturning barriers let a gender gap stand unchallenged.
"Goudeau is unsparing in her determination to tell “hard truths” about the past that school curriculums and family genealogies did not always teach her as a child or young adult." Always here for intersecting of family / history. Rev by Caleb McDaniel. 🗃️ www.nytimes.com/2024/06/17/b...
A Proud Texan Reckons With Her State’s Complicated Pastwww.nytimes.com In her new book, Jessica Goudeau confronts a history of racism and violence in Texas through an investigation of her ancestors’ stories.
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Check out "Robert Hemmings's Signature," a new Monticello podcast episode I'm featured in. My colleagues and I discuss a recently recovered document confirming Hemmings's literacy. Learn more at the link and thread below. www.monticello.org/exhibits-eve...
Every now and then, a document stops me in my tracks. That happened today, with a document that bears the signature of Robert Hemmings, an enslaved valet to Jefferson who was in Philadelphia during the writing of the Declaration of Independence. 1/5
Robert Hemmings's Signaturewww.monticello.org Videos, podcasts, and livestreams about Thomas Jefferson and his world, Monticello and its enslaved community, and the work of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation.
Historians --including this tremendous group-- have been busting these myths for generations. But really important and exciting longitudinal history of family here. More fr the Cambridge History team directly: www.campop.geog.cam.ac.uk/blog/ www.bbc.com/news/article...
Cambridge University 'bust myths' about family, sex and workwww.bbc.com Myths about the past include no sex outside marriage or few women working away from home, say experts.
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Related, I remember reading Edward Ball's _Slaves in the Family_ when it was published in 1998. The same year as A Gordon-Reed's first book on Thos Jefferson and Sally Hemings. I was teaching an undergrad research seminar focused on Sally Hemings, thinking "histories are changing." #VastEarlyAmerica
Fascinating & impt addition to the hard work of connecting enslaved families to one another and to enslavers' families. Charles Holman's family history research has been--for decades--so careful, creative, attentive to historical context. 🗃️ #VastEarlyAmerica www.washingtonpost.com/history/2024...
A stunning find in his family tree: The Bushes’ ancestors enslaved his relativeswww.washingtonpost.com “It was the coming together of things that I had been looking for for years,” Charles Holman said.
Fascinating & impt addition to the hard work of connecting enslaved families to one another and to enslavers' families. Charles Holman's family history research has been--for decades--so careful, creative, attentive to historical context. 🗃️ #VastEarlyAmerica www.washingtonpost.com/history/2024...
A stunning find in his family tree: The Bushes’ ancestors enslaved his relativeswww.washingtonpost.com “It was the coming together of things that I had been looking for for years,” Charles Holman said.
I’m willing to read just about any reasonable discussion about current politics. Even, maybe especially, folks I disagree with. Even actors. But look askance —let alone denounce— HISTORIANS for commentary on same?! Uh, no.
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Spaces still available for RHS online seminar on GAI and the discipline of History next week, with 750 attendees so far registered: blog.royalhistsoc.org/2024/07/11/g...
Gen AI, History and Historians | Historical Transactionsblog.royalhistsoc.org
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In "The Gospel of John Marrant," Alphonso F. Saville IV examines how Protestantism and West African indigenous religious practices informed the life and ministry of North America’s first Black ordained minister. Read the intro for free now: www.dukeupress.edu/Assets/PubMa...
Always fascinated by a book list! Interesting to see how the NYT compiled this via survey and then is revealing them 10 at a time. Already wish there were more histories, but glimpses of the critical importance of Black history & historians over the last decades. 1/ www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
The 100 Best Books of the 21st Centurywww.nytimes.com As voted on by 503 book lovers — with a little help from the staff of The New York Times Book Review.
Lots of ppl find Hamilton cringe-y now, certainly not of this moment. But LMM captured so well the really genius move of George Washington - his Farewell Address — and as I have pondered this week over and over I can’t stop thinking about “Teach ‘em How to Say Goodbye.” m.youtube.com/watch?v=CPgD...
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And in reading Rory Stewart's book about the exceptional disfunction of the Tories' govt in the UK, such a reminder that it is truly ceaseless work to wrest reasonable governance from bureaucracy as well as ideology-- and the terrifyingly potent combination of the two in the case he describes.
Saw a comment by JBouie abt the need for political will as a lesson of Reconstruction vis a vis the Constitution, and just wanted to add that it feels like the massive error of the mid 20th century but also many priors (Bill of Rights dispute anyone?) is thinking it's done & dusted. Govt takes work.
One of the best books I read over the last years is Lewis’s _Fifth Risk_ abt what happened in the previous admin when experts in key agencies (NOAA 😱, Nuclear Regulatory 🤯) were sidelined. Obv the Chevron case can only exacerbate this. A good day to reflect on what’s happened in both the US & UK.
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The key word there is "responsible." This is the offsetting or complementary virtue that the framers linked with "energy" and "dispatch" as the advantage of a unitary executive. John Dickinson said this explicitly on June 6, 1787, following the Convention's decision to have a unitary executive.
You absolutely did. Further passages are explicit that this is the difference between a republican unitary executive and a king.
I don’t think reactionaries can end immigration but they can make it so much harder —and just as important they want to make it a matter of shame rather than national pride. #july4th
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A thing I wrote is now out in the world: doi.org/10.1093/jahi... It is a short review essay of how historians and archivists have been using the web since the '90s (US perspective), to collect personal histories & eye witness accounts following current events & reflecting on the past
“Share Your Story”: Legacies of Online Collectingdoi.org In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, we as historians knew that we had witnessed a major set of events and that we would not be able to fully ass
Law is so interestingly like/ unalike history. Plenty of folks who read some of the professionally trained work energetically (👋). Big implications for the function of contemporary society. But law has a professionally trained industrial practice, and of course a government apparatus. 1/
Boy, do I ever dissent. Not a lawyer, just your average historian of 18th c British America. And if you know history beyond the shallow depths of the last decade, you will know that we have long lived in scary deep waters.
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My forthcoming book, The Politics of Mobility--Voluntary and Involuntary Migrations, 1619-1882 proceeds chronologically but not doctrinally. Why? B/c as a specialist in American Political Development I wanted to show case outcomes & SCOTUS behavior as products of the politics of their times.
Part of how we got here has been to leave too much of the discussion about all of this to lawyers. People feel like they can't understand the courts without law degrees and that's just not true. But we're left without a robust group of non-lawyer activists and organizers who could offer leadership.
It's a lot to digest, the full 119 pages of SCOTUS opinion in Trump v. US. Like many, I've been following in particular the court's explication of historical context; it will take me many sticky notes to think through how this is working across the opinion, concurrences, and dissent. 1/
Boy, do I ever dissent. Not a lawyer, just your average historian of 18th c British America. And if you know history beyond the shallow depths of the last decade, you will know that we have long lived in scary deep waters.
Boy, do I ever dissent. Not a lawyer, just your average historian of 18th c British America. And if you know history beyond the shallow depths of the last decade, you will know that we have long lived in scary deep waters.
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Amazing. If you are a potential reviewer (or know someone who might want to be, or an outlet that might be interested), please be in touch with me or University of Chicago Press for a galley.
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The MD Commission on African American History and Culture & the MD Historical Trust are looking for descendants or communities culturally affiliated with the remains of at least 15 people of African/possible African descent at the MD Archaeological Conservation Lab. mht.maryland.gov/Pages/engagi...
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:dons librarian hat: Digital preservation is more expensive than preserving paper; it takes more staff, active attention, and consistent computing resources. Libraries have discussed “digital dark age” since the 1990s. Corp archives often 1st to go b/c suits haven’t figured out how to profit.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so. variety.com/2024/tv/news...
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other Contentvariety.com The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
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If you care about the way AI is steamrolling environmental concerns you might be interested in this (free, online) conference happening in July—program just posted, and link to register: uva.theopenscholar.com/rethinking-t...
Rethinking the Inevitability of AIuva.theopenscholar.com
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My latest in CHE is now live: How to Publish a 'Timely' Scholarly Book--a little more advice-y w/ dos & don'ts (I know, I know) BUT hopefully there's good, interesting stuff in here re comp titles, mktg questionnaires, & NOT forcing ties to current events. www.chronicle.com/article/how-...
Advice | How to Publish a ‘Timely’ Scholarly Bookwww.chronicle.com Dos and don’ts for making your writing project relevant as it moves from proposal to manuscript to promotion.