
worried i'm a bad person because i don't like robert altman movies. long goodbye was barely okay.
You’re a bad person for watching movies in the first place.
It’s ok to be wrong about some things,
if you got suggestions i'd really like to rectify this deficiency in my diet. i'm suffering from movie scurvy over here
My favorite of his is 3 Women which is probably among his weirdest, but impeccable casting and maybe the best dialogue writing from an unhinged dialogue guy
Have you ever wanted to watch Shelley Duvall and Sissy Spacek slowly and systematically go insane while discussing tuna salad recipes…wait nobody has ever asked for that. It’s pretty great that it happened though
I also really like California Split but if you bounced off The Long Goodbye it might be more of that in a way
no long goodbye is charming and while i almost bounced off it, it was just barely above what i'd get mad at and turn off. I lose the plot a little towards the end but the gangster making everyone get nude in his house woke me up again
taste is subjective. you can't be bad just because you don't enjoy something well-liked. what other altman movies have you seen?
when i was 5 I wore out the rewind button on the vcr watching popeye, specifically only the ending where he dances on the water. When i tried to watch it recently it was almost unwatchable, and the RLM review today reminded me of that. also i watched 3/4ths of mash last night and it just me mad
i'm looking at this filmography for any other movie i've even heard of and i can't find one. do you have a recommendation?
I've only seen 4 of his movies but I've liked em all, personally. But I think you might like The Player. Or maybe Gosford Park, which felt to me like Knives Out if Knives Out was good.
what i like about this is how even though altman's style is to have everyone step on everyone else's lines, because they're so incredibly british, i can hear them distinctly as they
i got distracted before i finished this thought apparently. sorry tyler