
my version of generational trauma are all the in jokes and references gen x writers tricked me into engraving into my brain when it was young like why do i need to know that Alice from flo's diner said "kiss my grits" nobody wants me saying it. why did Michael Showalter do this to me
it was actually mel's diner the character is Flo the show is Alice i was wrong about all of the above BUT: critically and against all odds in a 12 person ensemble cast i was correct that it was michael showalter
i used to look at a wiki for mst3k episodes to understand the references i didn't get. my mind is ruined. Larry Csonka
listening to "you're wrong about" which references a lot of cultural touch stones from yesteryear that have been misinterpreted really gave me a lot more insight on the subtle nods you'd hear in king of the hill