
You heard it here first folks. When engineers say what the radius of a highway curve should be, that’s communism. Public health rules for safe drinking water? Communism.
The person who wrote that tweet is a huge fan of Cleon Skousen, a guy who identified a bunch of stuff right wingers didn’t like in the 1950s and then wrote a book falsely claiming he had evidence that all of those things were part of the Commies’ written plans.
Down the Derp State Rabbit Hole with the Chair of the Marion County (OR) Cleon Skousen's conspiracy theories, Chinese commandos invading from Mexico, and other oldies but goodies from the right wing playbook
My parents got me this book as a teenager lol. I thought it was just a Mormon thing
It's definitely a Mormon thing...but it's also a broader US right thing too. But folks raised in Mormon families or communities are far more likely to know who Skousen is.
"Cleon Skousen" sounds like a name made up by the writers for the series Big Love
But yes, you can find The Naked Communist in secondhand book stores just about anywhere.