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el hombre creíble; despertado
Victor Buono looks like a kid in this 1961 Perry Mason (he was then only 23)
Carlos Santana of the Minnesota Twins should use his middle initial, so that no one confuses him with the rock legend of the same name.
My July 4 resolution is to do this less
Great experiment here in partisan bias: views of policy without (dot) and with (arrow) the proposing candidate being mentioned.
There's a silver lining in this Biden freakout: it takes as a premise that a Trump presidency would be a civic emergency. Otherwise, sometimes Democrats win, sometimes Republicans, not a crisis either way!
Make politicians laugh; female politicians cackle, giggle, or snicker
I don't know if anything has captured the present moment better than this essay.
One problem among many with Biden resigning now is that there is no way that a replacement VP would be seated, Mike Johnson would be first in the order of succession, and Kamala Harris' life would be in constant peril.
These pigfuckers may destroy everything, but they will never build anything.
Fun fact: the "liberal" Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade had 6 Republican appointees on it.
FDR was incredibly frail in 1944 when he was seeking his 4th term, and even up and died less than a year into it. Did anyone upon hearing the news regret not voting for Thomas Dewey instead?
Reposted byAvatar kth
yes, gar, i think he's got about the same chances he did before last night, and the immediate polling backs me up, but if you want to play amateur politics knower, i'm happy to explain to you in unpleasant detail why i think you don't know what you're talking about
LOL that the Supremes saved a couple of their worst rulings for after the debate (which they obviously did), for fear that Biden might make hay of them.
Trump accused Biden of weaponizing the government, then said maybe Biden should be indicted (for things) when he leaves office.
These crackheads on ABC (Jonathan Karl and his Dem sources, who are real I have no doubt) are talking about Biden getting out of the race. Not gonna happen, for better or for worse.
Fortunately no one takes Trump at his word (not even his supporters)
Finding out the hard way: if you can't afford for a skilled tradesman to fix your house or car, you can't afford that house or car.
Reposted byAvatar kth
Colombia has received four times more Venezuelans than the United States. But that small and relatively poor South American country has offered the migrants paths to formal employment, health care, education and citizenship. We went to see the integration. www.wbez.org/immigration/...
What Colombia can teach Chicago about managing a migrant wavewww.wbez.org The small, relatively poor South American country has received four times more Venezuelans than the United States but offers a path to integration. We went to see it.
The face paint in sports has gone well beyond any conceivable practicality
On Fox News's relatively normcore 1pm program (hosted by John Roberts), they have Mollie Hemingway, and for balance...Mark Penn!
An accordion riff began to repeat itself in my mind's ear, and it took a minute before I recognized it as "Juana la traicionera".
MaxPreps, but for local government (especially small town/rural)
They play mostly 60-70s music at the neighborhood pool, but now playing: "This Charming Man"
Reposted byAvatar kth
I’m struck by how the map of where people travel to and from to obtain abortions is similar to maps of The Great Migration. (Credit for map in Alt Text)
“171,000 Traveled for Abortions Last Year: 14,000 Texas patients crossed into New Mexico for an abortion last year. 16,000 left Southern states bound for Illinois. 12,000 traveled north from South Carolina and Georgia to North Carolina.” www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
Reposted byAvatar kth
You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
Quoteskeet with an image to show who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text.
Quoteskeet with an image to show who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text. bsky.app/profile/coac...
Trolls are sprouting, guess this place really does have the juice
"Backstabbers" and "Starman" on the box in this Panera
Quick way to use modulus (remainder) arithmetic to quickly find the day of the week of any date in the year. Take Xmas. Today is Tue 6/11. (30-11) mod 7 = 5 + 31 mod 7 = 1 + 31 mod 7 = 4 + 30 mod 7 = 6 + 31 mod 7 = 2 + 30 mod 7 = 4 + 25 mod 7 = 1 1 means Xmas is one weekday past today, ie Wednesday