
hell yeah they should definitely run with this one
I honestly feel bad for the guy. Imagine being put in a position where you feel like you have to argue that lead in the water is . . . good, somehow. MAGA gamesmanship makes people say and do some pretty stupid things.
i live in kansas do not ever feel bad for this man he lives to say stuff like this
it's like the dril tweet about ISIL you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to kris kobach"
yeah he is one of the worst people in the united states he spearheaded the team that obliterated the budget of the KDSS (dept of social services) and replaced it with the much less effective KDCF (dept of children and families)
Kobach, Rick Scott, etc make me so mad at the folks who say shit like "Trump corrupted the GOP which was fine before he came along" Trump is a symptom of the same shit that's been going on for decades
it is because a lot of democrats local to the states looked at how Brownback slashed public funding for everything and got all horny for it like, Cuomo proposed Brownback style cuts to NY food stamps a few years back