πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ lydelle buster πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ

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πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ lydelle buster πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ


πŸ’– america's mystery sweetheart πŸ’–
πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ milmealnainal lesbian wizard πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
⌨️ "she's a poster's poster" --skye (me) πŸ’»

im here to have a good time
on the world wide web
im at a lake where a ton of people set off their own fireworks u can see for miles and it sounds like a pitched 1700-1800s battle here just without the naval co,,!!A Barge Has Just Floated By Firing Off Fireworks
does this read like LLM output to anyone else
holy shit did people know this????
something I forgot about these: there's momentum to the cursor movement- if you lift the mouse after moving it, the cursor keeps going for a bit as the ball rolls- its also difficult to make short, precise movements *unless* I curve the mouse path a little bit
welp i can't find my 2020 steelseries mouse -or- my backup 2012 razor mouse -or- my backup 2004 logitech wireless and so we are down to the 1996 Microsoft Special
im the piss wizard, the wizard of piss
New beloved graffiti tag spotted: Piss wizard
The other day I saw β€œpiss wizard” in one spot and β€œpiss warlock in a different place. I wonder if they are friends or mortal enemies.
got it working in windows 10!! using it on a wooden surface and it's honestly p good; attributing that to it being one of the last ball mice designs MS produced, the 'wheel mouse 3.0', released concurrently with the far more expensive optical 'intellimouse' reacclimating to only 3 buton,
welp i can't find my 2020 steelseries mouse -or- my backup 2012 razor mouse -or- my backup 2004 logitech wireless and so we are down to the 1996 Microsoft Special
i dont have strong thoughts on her one way or the other but its cool to find out kamala harris is still alive
if u are looking at my posts where i get high and posit what future events might be like note that i tend to use words like 'i think', 'i feel', 'it seems', because i dont fuckin know, ive been an adult since 2000, all i know is that curveball events bean us constantly on this bitch of an earth,
yay i got my desktop computer that i hook up to a 40" 1080p dumb tv up and running for the first time in a few weeks having choice paralysis between balatro, new vegas, gta san andreas, or a new fourth thing, so i will continue to post instead,
it bears repeating: do not ignore that you are mediating your interactions with a machine, no matter how invisible the machine tries to make itself,
it is a bluesky crpg. so is roll20 et al. it just is not a ttrpg there's a computer involved? its a crpg. 'uh but im using a vtt' that is a computer, do not ignore that you are mediating your interactions with a machine, no matter how invisible the machine tries to make itself,
oh my god twexit is trying to make a comeback and this mf is just php var_dump'ing arrays right out in front of god and everyone i'm dying
ok a 2011 imac mouse i found works, esp after installing bootcamp drivers, it makes sense on one level why the 2011 bluetooth mouse works and the 1996 PS/2 mouse doesn't, but also, the Apple product works and the Microsoft one doesn't??? wild
lollllll ok so the mouse works fine in my graphical BIOS but Windows 10 will not do anything with this ancient Microsoft mouse
can't even use mice with balls anymore because of woke
lollllll ok so the mouse works fine in my graphical BIOS but Windows 10 will not do anything with this ancient Microsoft mouse
welp i can't find my 2020 steelseries mouse -or- my backup 2012 razor mouse -or- my backup 2004 logitech wireless and so we are down to the 1996 Microsoft Special
welp i can't find my 2020 steelseries mouse -or- my backup 2012 razor mouse -or- my backup 2004 logitech wireless and so we are down to the 1996 Microsoft Special
there's also like five major things that u can tell that the usual big podcasts haven't opined on yet because no one has a line for em
i don't think most of us really have the context to understand what is happening but of course it won't stop us from speculation, but if it makes u worry then prepare- u don't have to go full-prepper like my former 70yo roommate buying two huge generators when Ukraine kicked off, but do get an IFAK
"there was a band called the Beatles" my 65yo mom explaining something to my 8yo cousin
i don't think most of us really have the context to understand what is happening but of course it won't stop us from speculation, but if it makes u worry then prepare- u don't have to go full-prepper like my former 70yo roommate buying two huge generators when Ukraine kicked off, but do get an IFAK
richard "lowtax" kyanka is alive and well and living on a tropical island off the massive kickbacks he got from the Impact Font people
why don't they simply build the whole country out of jimmies carter
incredible that the epstein case testimony has been leaked and newspapers are still like "old man old"
peasant mother - an apple a day keeps the doctor away child - but mother, father ate all the apples father - hush child, there is no such thing as doctors THAT NIGHT (raking claws and the shadow of a plague doctor mask scratching at the door) - wheere IIISSS IITTTTTTTT