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another place to scroll and post on. many names… echowizardzero… instachatsnapogram… demon to some angel to others. the intel on this was not 100%.
cannot begin to imagine what its like for the people out there for whom biden or trump are good choices they are happy with. but seems like these people do exist!
You're going to be a vampire. Who's turning you?
You're going to be a vampire. Who's turning you?
the degree to which you receive such intense vitriol when you point out valid and true criticisms of democrats especially the conservative ones is just a tacit admission that they know the democrats do not respond and change to their parties voters desires. so they yell at strangers to fall in line.
would love to live in a world were the democrats where half as cool as republicans and fox new paints them as. would be begrudgingly ok with a world where democrats where as good as the parties most strident defenders seem to think they are but i don’t think we live in either world.
shit i got one of the codes to work! thanks random dude from twitter.
End of feed.