
yesterday i got a request to do a radio hit about Bridgerton, and in a pre-call I learned the framing was "isn't it terrible that this is essentially porn, and there's no sense of propriety or dividing line between porn and mainstream TV?" based on my response they decided not to book me lmaooo
Once upon a time, I felt bad when I had to play the role of Shonda Rhimes in Shonda Rejects Your Premise with radio or TV bookers. After a while, though, I realized it was best to stop wasting everyone's time as quickly as possible, and let them find someone who would play along.
in this case it was actually very funny to just be like, "so from the jump i disagree with literally everything you just said"
Yeah, not long ago I had to respond, "So, I don't think this angle you're pitching me is actually a thing that happened. But here are three actual things I'd be happy to talk about related to this!" They politely moved on.
I did a livd TV hit after telling the producer I didn't want to talk about x. Anchor asks: what about x My response: your guess is as good as mine. Anchor: but what about x? Me: let's move on to something I can talk about.
how is it even porn-like, there’s like 2 whole sex scenes in half a season and every other sexy scene is fully clothed and over in less than a minute, I swear to god these people
It’s far from porn. Silly. 🤪
one of my polite suggestions was that maybe they need to find better porn?
This season in particular was…not even close to porn.