Kathryn VanArendonk

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Kathryn VanArendonk


critic @vulture
has seen our suitcases; is Not Pleased
I assume pink pony club is widely popular for exactly the same reason that I like it (good to rewrite so it’s about your pets)
today a Trader Joe’s employee overheard me on a call with my dentist, and when I finished, he said “dentists, man. My 92 year old grandma had so many bridges, when you went to kiss her you needed an EZPass.” poetry is everywhere
was out in the garden and then went heads down on a deadline, and then popped out of my office to hear VOICES IN MY SUPPOSEDLY OTHERWISE EMPTY HOME had no idea my husband was working from home this morning, was jump scared by mine own family
after realizing that the nearest white male owner of a car dealership could’ve won this election as long as he was under the age of 70, I have decided to turn off the debate
I got a root canal today and now I am, for some reason, watching this guess which is more painful
a girl from the “pink pony club,” according to 7yo: - Jean jacket that says “pink pony club” - pink tshirt - teal “stretchy pants” - pink and white tevas - she rides bikes - you can see her purple pony tail under her bike helmet
some days I don’t think about my midwestern heritage, and some days I come very close to pitching “all the times someone in house of the dragon should’ve said ‘ope’”
we have, as a family, been playing this game called vampire survivors, and I am absolutely not a video game alarmist, am very open to letting kids play lots of video games but I think maybe that game has given me brain damage
7yo’s current preferred sandwich is Nutella + sour cream and onion potato chips this is innovation on a level I had not considered possible
I am prepared to call it: the proven winners meteor showers verbena is the annual of the summer
the two guys who’ve been busking in Penn Station on Wednesday nights lately do a decent Mrs Robinson
yesterday i got a request to do a radio hit about Bridgerton, and in a pre-call I learned the framing was "isn't it terrible that this is essentially porn, and there's no sense of propriety or dividing line between porn and mainstream TV?" based on my response they decided not to book me lmaooo
overhearing an enthusiastic young person in this coffee shop musing about how nice it might be to go to grad school, doing my best not to appear suddenly next to their table like the ghost of grad school future
to be clear, i love this little turn of phrase but it also makes it sound like she's an old timey newspaper editor or something? get on the horn and search up more info about that new city councilman!
does anyone else's kid use the phrase "search up" in the same way you'd use "google" as a verb? I can't tell if it's widespread or just a funny quirk of my kid, who is always telling me to please search up some youtube phenomenon, or to search up socks that look like boba, or etc
does anyone else's kid use the phrase "search up" in the same way you'd use "google" as a verb? I can't tell if it's widespread or just a funny quirk of my kid, who is always telling me to please search up some youtube phenomenon, or to search up socks that look like boba, or etc
this scene also made me want to claw my brain out
If anybody is curious about exactly the moment that this season of "The Boys" made me break and say, "Fuck you, you satire-anemic ghoulish simpletons," it was the bat mitzvah scene in the second episode. Anyway... for fans of the show... Happy "The Boys" Premiere Day!
look i know this is probably not on the top of the list of things you care about today, but you simply would not BELIEVE how many other plants are related to mint
so many days this time of year are a brave act of me actually sitting inside and doing the job that i am paid to do rather than driving to the nursery and buying more plants
today I’m spending time talking about the portrayal of law enforcement on tv, and then more time talking about what if the Tudor period had a marginalized community of shapeshifters
I am married to a man I started dating via aol instant messenger
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I still buy songs on the iTunes Store
7yo just announced that Oreos are an endangered species in our house but an invasive species in her tummy, and maybe I do talk too much about native plants hmmm
unfortunately I have brought my now-literate child to a broadway show and so she has discovered there is a harry potter play
being an elected official in the state of new york should immediately qualify you for some kind of screening process screening for what, i'm not entirely clear. but SOMEthing
children are fundamentally mysterious creatures and there’s just no way to know what they will and won’t like incredibly, mine seem to resent me waking them in the morning by bellowing JUNE IS BUSTIN’ OUT ALL OVER, and truly who could predict that!