Jessie Kwak πŸ¦† (🦈!)

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Jessie Kwak πŸ¦† (🦈!)

Author of sci-fi shenanigans, ghostwriter of business books, organizer of the Author Alchemy Summit. She/her
I'd been wondering if I'd notice if I put my prosthetic eye in upside down and yep there's definitely a right way up
Just had my one-year checkup with my retina surgeon, and he's pretty stoked on everything except that they'll probably never get the guy who shot me. Me too, doc. But my little weird eye passed the exam with flying colors!
I want to get back into boxing, but this gym's classes are at 6:30pm Do I eat a fast dinner at 5, so I'm neither starving nor too full? Or do I eat a snack, then have dinner at 8 and plan to stay up late? Not sure how to handle this, but either way I won't have time to cook real food. Thoughts?
Thank you, Arwen! has a neat Kickstarter going for her Bulari Saga Travel Guide: A Sci-Fi Short Story Collection: "space with tales of heists, cons gone wrong, & more..."
Oh hey hi! I'm taking part in a writeathon fundraiser today as part of the Alzheimer's Association's Longest Day annual fundraiser. All the money goes to Alzheimer's research! Please help the cause, if you're feeling so moved:
Finally submitted that essay about the many ways screenwriters use traumatic eye injuries as world-building and character-building in popular media. I had two more examples to add since I first drafted it in April, and I haven't even been watching that much tv.
I have never been pregnant, but in my teens and twenties I threw up almost every month on the first day of my period. Often multiple times. So I have a lot of questions for movie writers who announce pregnancy by having some poor actress vomit. My dudes we ladies contain multitudes of nausea
Are you a speculative fiction author who identifies as a woman, or nonbinary? Then we want you! Fill out the form below to tell us you're interested in reading at one of our fun, low-pressure online Quick Reads events! #authors #writingcommunity #books
I am four chapters from the end of Nanshe Chronicles 5!!! Can't wait to celebrate. 🀩 Finishing a book is always a big accomplishment, but this one's bigger than usual β€” getting back on the writing horse after my injury last summer has been quite the trip.
What are some numbers in your field that anyone else in it would identify without even thinking about it, but folk outside may have no idea. Just the numbers, no explanations. Yet. 105 148 210 297 420 594 841 1189
I have gone to bed at a reasonable hour every night this week, and barely had any booze. In other words, I have done The Responsible Things. So why am I so exhausted?
Just your friendly neighborhood cyborg out taking a walk in the spring rain.
New eyepatch project! I got my friend Nalisha Estrellas ( to draw on some blank eyepatches I cut out, then shaped them and added button studs so I can swap them out on the strap. I love her art so much β€” very PNW-centric vibe with the ferns and orcas and mountains!!!
Today's a rare day when I'm working on three books at once. Revisions for the 5th Nanshe Chronicles book, drafting for Client Book A, and interviews for Client Book B. I am so freaking excited about all three of these projects!
In an unprecedented move, I scheduled today for debriefing myself on the Author Alchemy Summit, gathering all my notes, documenting my processes, and entering all my expenses. Look at me setting future Jessie up for success instead of rushing headlong into the next project!
Many thanks to for the wonderful Author Alchemy Summit. I've written some thoughts it galvanized about my writing/career at my blog. tl;dr: It inspired me to find the common thread uniting my 70 billion different interests.
I haven't put mascara on my left eyelashes for 7 months. I put some on today in preparation for trying out a classy new fake eye, and promptly smeared mascara e v e r y w h e r e. Gonna have to get back in practice I guess πŸ˜‚
I've been practicing figure drawing a little bit each day, and it's not easy β€” but it's been nice to see progress in all my little torso beans and butt cheeks and shoulders. Feet still evade me.
Being in the home stretch of organizing a writing conference feels like 😍πŸ₯³πŸ˜…πŸ«£πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜¬πŸ˜΄ Two weeks to go until this crazy dream is a reality!
And some days require a sneak 2-hour nap I guess πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
If you put soft boiled eggs on salad you can even apparently have it for breakfast
I’ve spent the past few months struggling to figure out bramaking β€” turns out boobs are way more complicated than they look. But today I finally think I nailed my bra pattern! I used it to make a super comfy and supportive bodysuit to wear under sheer-ish sweaters. 🀩
I fear that my reward for eating more salad is that I begin to enjoy it as a food group What a horrifying prospect
I have eaten salad at lunch two out of three days this week I deserve a medal
They say write what you know, so I’m writing a scene where my badass space pirate captain has to go shopping for clothes at a fancy shopping mall and she hates it.