K.L. Neidecker

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K.L. Neidecker


Make a band more vegetable Nine Inch Nettles
Make a band more vegetable Fine Young Cabbages
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Vetting: this GoFundMe is being run by a distant cousin, was passed to me by a family member, and from what I was told, will go straight to those islands. 80% of the homes were destroyed. Your dollar is 2.5x an EC dollar. It will go far. It will make a difference. Even a single dollar donation.
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You’re allowed to be sad, surprised, conflicted, and hopeful (let it not be true!) about bad news. If someone disappoints you, you are allowed to take a moment to process and feel. Not everything has to be a snap decision. We aren’t designed to make snap decisions all the time about everything.
I just deleted a small reply thread on the current situation with a particular writer. Not because I said anything heinous (it was a “this looks bad, but let’s get the info here before threatening each other” kind of thing) But because some folks just love to attack constantly.
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Next year will be my tenth on Patreon. That will be ten years of a short story a month. Which is extremely difficult to fathom. Heck, I'm amazed the platform still exists. www.patreon.com/kameronhurley
Happy Patreon day, fellow pulp writers.
Get more from Kameron Hurley on Patreonwww.patreon.com creating Short Stories
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Good morning. If you read one thing on the internet today, make it this. briankeene.substack.com/p/letters-fr...
what is your favourite black and white movie?
what is your favourite black and white movie?
Performative despair gets blocked or muted. Articles about “stepping aside” or “why it should be someone else” gets blocked or muted. Broad generalizations about world events get blocked or muted. These are good times to prune your feed and focus on the reality swirling around you.
Personal Me: performative despair is not a political strategy. You do not need to read it, boost it, otherwise encourage it or absorb it. Taking time offline is a super good idea today.
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There's going to be a voice, if you're lucky it'll be at the back of your head, telling you nothing you do matters or is seen or is worthwhile. That voice lies. Write the thing that brings you joy.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
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There are still a few copies of my latest collection from Centipede Press, Rough Justice: Tales of Crimes & Deception, left at a reduced price. These are unsigned copies from a print overrun. www.centipedepress.com/horror/rough...
Rough Justicewww.centipedepress.com
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Many updates for our publishing imprint! Read about our anthology, our authors, what we're building, the status, where we need to be, and more. ko-fi.com/post/Imprint... #publishing #books
Imprint Update - June 25thko-fi.com Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi
Sometimes I worry that I’m boring. Then I say, no! My wife doesn’t think I’m boring. My dog, my cat, they don’t think that. The cursed spirit which is tethered to my astral life-line drinking my essence like I was a Capri Sun seems to like me. Maybe I’m not boring after all!
Religions were all the same They all promised answers. She let them sting her with poisonous insects, she listened to the clatter of bones cast onto packed dirt floors, she walked up steps hewn into the sides of mountains. Her purpose, what she was, remained a mystery. This filled her with fear.
I’ve realized I don’t believe anything I read online, from any source, at all anymore (except the people I follow directly on this site). I’ll see a bunch of cartoon-wolf-head avatars arguing over some pedantic definition of an ethereal term and think “you’re all full of crap”. Feels odd, but good
*Opens BlueSky* *What’s this about…* *Searches the discourse in question* **Morgan Freeman voiceover** “And then he realized this is why we can’t have anything nice…”
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Woohoo! Witch King won the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel!!
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BRING THE CRAZY! The Black Stone Heart INSANITY EDITION Kickstarter pre-launch page is live! We're doing an absolutely mental hardcover release. Wander on over and smash that NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH button! www.kickstarter.com/projects/bla...
Coming soon: Black Stone Heart: INSANITY EDITIONwww.kickstarter.com The definitive illustrated Collector's Edition of the dark fantasy novel, BLACK STONE HEART.
Well I just did some minor physical labor. And I’m drenched in sweat. 87 degrees can bite me.
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Oh hey hi! I'm taking part in a writeathon fundraiser today as part of the Alzheimer's Association's Longest Day annual fundraiser. All the money goes to Alzheimer's research! Please help the cause, if you're feeling so moved: act.alz.org/goto/jessiek...
Another thread today. The fact that Premee could possibly be made to feel this way goes to show a whole lot about the others involved in this Banff Institute. There are few in the field as worthy of respect and, frankly, a bit of awe as Premee. The others there could have learned something.
Anyway, the whole 'litfic or CanLit vs.specfic' debate was why I had kind of a terrible time at the Banff Institute this January. It was me (1 bugge) and fifteen (15) creative writing MFA or PhD attendees. They were all perfectly nice but they let me know VERY CLEARLY I had nothing to contribute.
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My Beast Realms fantasy trilogy is now available as a boxset. Find it for just 1 credit on Audible (52 hours, performed by the awesome Travid Baldree!), as e-book on Amazon or on Kindle Unlimited. Published by Portal Books. #books #gamelit #fantasy #book
A good thread. More musings—on writing, Patreon, day job/writing balance, short fiction—than some kind of ‘threaded argument towards some point’ kind of thing, but I think @kameronhurley.bsky.social *always* puts it out there in a way which helps us understand the crap we all deal with
Putting together files for yearly patreon story collection. Know it's weird to say, but I'm always SURPRISED that a lot of these are very good???? 🤣 The speed and pace at which I write a short story every month makes me think they must of course be terrible, but there's some good shit in here.
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Writers! We've got an AWESOME opportunity for you! A one on one private writing workshop with novelist and filmmaker SAMANTHA KOLESNIK, via Google Meet or Zoom, during which she'll help you with one of your short stories! Slots are limited to 6 and will go fast! www.indiegogo.com/projects/dea...
Dead Formatwww.indiegogo.com a feature horror film about nostalgia, death, and videotapes
My current timeline is full of cats tonight. This is acceptable. Better than a timeline full of PSAs to not actually lick toads or some other random discourse.
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our very own copy editor extraordinaire @pronouncedlahra.bsky.social is a 2023 Shirley Jackson Award nominee for SHORT FICTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💀 well done! (and congrats to ALL nominees 🖤🖤)
For my artist and writer friends. (p.s., no idea how BlueSky will flag this image. It is a scene from No Country for Old Men, and is not some scary or gruesome image, but I've had BS flag images as "corpse" or the like completely out of context since the filter sees bodies)
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