
1/This article is definitely a hot take, as the kids say, but I'm posting it because of the valid points made - In all my code I strive for that perfect balance between read/maintain-ability, conciseness, and simplicity. Fewer libs = fewer lines of code.
A Rant about Front-end I am a front-end developer who is FED up about front-end development. If you write front-end, this isn't about you personally. It's about how your choices make me angry. Also this is about how my choi...
2/One of the things I really love about Dotnet Core MVC is the ability to simply render full/partial views server side instead of in-browser. Because of this, jQuery does almost everything I need on the frontend. Sure, I could implement my own vanilla JS selector system, but why?
3/It might turn out smaller, but my solution wouldn't have 18 *years* of testing and bugfix across millions of sites. Plus, are we really gonna complain about jQ's size compared to React? To me, CSS + standard old HTML are my starting points. If I'm going to add more stuff, I need a reason.
4/When I got back into web dev in 2019, I saw many articles bashing jQuery and recommending React/Node/etc. 5 years later, I'm seeing many articles about problems with React and friends and recommending simplicity - e.g. htmx. I'm glad I stuck with my gut and went with what I knew worked.
5/Our existing app at work feels dated with its 2010 styling. However, for a company with ~ 40ish employees, we've invoiced almost $200 million with it since 2010 and it's the lifeblood of the company. I'm not going to apologize for creating something that just works 😜