
1/Great, great article on the Ludicity blog (no, I didn't spell it wrong) about AI from someone who's deep in the field - He makes a brilliant point - MOST orgs implementing AI don't do the basics right and they don't *need* AI. They're jumping on the bandwagon.
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again —
2/After 27 yrs in IT, I've seen a lot of fads come and go, many of which weren't killed by better tech, but by more-ruthless orgs (hello FAANG!). But I have *never* seen a bandwagon like AI. It's patently absurd the # of orgs that are inserting AI into anything - ANYTHING - so they can say "us too!"
3/The vast majority of these orgs have *zero* need for AI, and to the extent they're actually implementing it (prob a tiny %), they're likely introducing a bumper crop of new vulnerabilities. Until you're in a position where you can 100% recover from a ransomware attack, why would you implement AI?
4/Here's another one - have your customers actually *asked* for it? No? Prob bc they're sick to death of hearing about it too! Instead of AI, how about improving your customer support? Or, as mentioned in the article, improving your DR plan and your basic SysAdmin tasks, like backups and patching?
5/There's a simple explanation: no CEO in their right mind would admit they aren't performing basic IT functions. Wall St. doesn't reward improving customer relationships or - God forbid! - taking better care of employees. Nobody's golden parachute is attached to securely handling customer data.
6/So we throw another layer of complexity on the stack and hope for the best, while our Postgres servers are vulnerable to stuff from 2015 bc no one has the knowledge to upgrade thru 5 major versions. But hey, at least our investors can sleep well, right?