
Jesus fucking christ our country is literally going to fall apart at the seams. Our roads are going to get worse, our food worse, our water worse. Our jobs are already trying to kill us as it is, now they will definitely make dangerous, and during a time when child labor is making a fucking comeback
I hate this piece of shit.
We really need to remind these fuckers why OSHA exists in the first place It wasnt to protect us poor workers, but to stop us angry pissed off workers from kicking in these fucker's doors.
What they're doing is accelerationism and they know it. They're banking on getting away with it because they have authority. They know that the vast majority hate them, so they're trying a quick power grab when there is unrest. They can't rely on popularity so they strongarm everything.
I still don't know why the GOP still calls itself "the party of the working class" when they're succeeding at knocking down workers' rights to what they were at the turn of the 20th Century.
Autocorrect – it was supposed to be: "the party over the working class"
And a lot of the people doing this to us want us to be grateful for it because they think they're helping us get into Heaven. The rest are jerking it to all the misery. And there will be people doing both, of course.
If we don't pull off a general strike SOON we're cooked.
I'm hopeful we will *eventually,* but I don't think this'll happen until AFTER work conditions worsen significantly to be honest. So many people are a paycheck away from homelessness (which has been and will still be further criminalized), I can sympathize with peoples' fear of going on strike.
On the other hand, as conditions worsen, people will only be put at continuously higher risk of homelessness even if they are working, with even higher risk of harm to the homeless. So...
We are going to have to redact these motherfuckers before they kill us all aren't we.
I cant wait for the gilded age to be fully back. Including the wide spread poverty and racism
These people have homes with addresses and phone numbers and inboxes and go to restaurants and go on vacations by the way in case anybody needed a reminder.