
pretty fucked up that he feels comfortable saying the court itself should "go after" anything..
absolutely. they used to just add little notes here and there in their decisions like "if the case were brought like x we could rule like y" and now they feel bold enough to just say it
That is the reality though, it’s a myth there’s some impartial sophisticated judicial process for what cases come before them. It’s whatever and how many cases they choose and they can release the decisions whenever they want, like the night of a presidential debate and that’s on purpose too.
really love seeing random cis dudes trying to mansplain shit to women who know way more than them. it’s like my favorite thing. 😐
Adding commentary to someone’s post is not an attack or assumption of their knowledge. It’s like if I say I have a good cake recipe and you come back, Didn’t you know I’m a baker!!! Maybe someone else who is not familiar with the SC read my comment, who knows lol
did you know you can respond to getting ribbed a little by just riffing instead of acting like a redditor
Especially for this old rich dude who lives in protected luxury and doesn’t actually work. He has a staff to do all the work.
I would read an entire book or maybe even a series of them on What The Fuck Is The Deal With This Asshole
The podcast Behind The Bastards did a pretty good series of episodes about him, if you like podcasts.
What was their conclusion for What The Fuck Is His Deal?
It was a while ago that I listened to it. He's basically another dude who had a childhood and life that could have radicalized him to fight for a better world, but instead he chose to be an asshole at every opportunity instead. It's good, though, and Robert Evans dies a better job than I have here.
... does* a better job than I have here, in case anyone seriously believes that Robert Evans dies in the course of a past episode of his ongoing podcast.
It did get me wondering for ¼ second, but I guessed what you meant. We all do typos, and with autoincorrect, the occurrence just multiplies.
Yeah, I would say the takeaway is that Clarence Thomas is only looking out for Clarence Thomas and he has no qualms about taking bribes that improve the life/lot of Clarence Thomas. For him, the United States is just a means to this end
He is Pro-Life-Threatening he believes in the freedom to kill and destroy rather than freedom for life and happiness. Thomas’s idea is a perverted freedom that enslaves.
I love that podcast but have a hard time listening to episodes on recent/current bastards, because they hit a little too hard and my rage is already at 11. But I just may need to listen to this one.
the Elon Musk one is really something
YES. That one explained a lot. Fascinating listen!
Oh, hard same. Examining the seeds and roots, learning the background can be helpful perspective, but it's a whole different feel when there's not even the security of the bastard being dead and/or out of public life to one extent or another.
The Enigma of Clarence Thomas by Corey Robin is excellent
He should start by making his own workplace less safe.
Time to store asbestos in his office.
I'd never encourage making someone's workplace unsafe—even his. First of all, we never know who will get that office when they wheel him out really soon. Second, I'm pretty sure lead-based paint at work is all that explains his downslide from a bright Yale Law grad in '74 to this frowning pudding.
Dude is angry that OSHA makes it harder for SeaWorld employees to get crushed by whales Like, that is explicitly part of this opinion
Had to look it up because it's one of those weeks where it feels too ridiculous to be true... sigh.
noooooooooooooo i require that to be a joke, nooooooooooo
He is the definition of “piece of shit.” He gets to wear a robe to work where all he has to do is sit in air conditioning and collect bribes but he has to go out of his way to make working people less safe.
fill the scotus chambers with asbestos, got it
I realize someone somewhere will judge me harshly for saying this but the best thing that man could do for your country is have a heart attack. This man seems vile and evil as fuck
He is a human garbage bag.
This Motherfucker is so openly thirsty for Lochner, what a piece of shit
It looks like capital needs its periodic reminder that labor protections weren't benevolent gifts from friendly liberals, but wrested from the grasping hands of the free market with the blood and nightmares of the working class.
And lots of really ugly cancer .. Radium Girls, anyone?
I spent 30 years working in chemical plants. I’ve taken OSHA courses, read OSHA regulations, given safety training to others, and signed permits for hazardous work. A safe workplace takes much more than just following OSHA regs, but they set the minimum. New OSHA regs are written when workers die.
I bet he wants a safe workplace for himself though.
set the thermostat in the Court to a consistent 110 if it’s such a reasonable temperature to work
Meanwhile the company I work for can barely get insurance because of workplace accidents (and we're not any worse than anyone else in our industry as far as I can tell), so this is going to turn out well for precisely no one anywhere ever except Clarence's bank account I guess?
Speaking as the daughter of a former state-level oil regulator, FUCKIN' SAME
We need to go back to the days where people jaws fell off due to radiation poisoning, and mines blew up killing hundreds, those were the good ole days. Thomas is a fucking terrorist at this point.
Maybe if these guys wanted to so radically rewrite the laws of this land, they should have campaigned on the changes they wanted, won elections, etc.
Why do that when they can just do it unilaterally without having to risk elections every few years or worry about political opposition etc.
Yes. They think they can do this because they have been able to do it. There's no higher authority that's going to come down and step in.
*whispers* So about how ol' Clarence got on the Supreme Court...
The fuckers would really just fold up the totality of government itself if it wouldn't strip them of their absolute power in the process.