lamp 🛋️

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lamp 🛋️

I'm not funny. I'm just trying to exist in this imperfect world, you know?

Autistic. OCD.
Former tech worker

Discord: xlampshade
Acab includes master chief
lets be real, master chief is basically a police officer in space
Time for my regular reminder that Deb from Dexter is just the absolute worst person in this show.
Two cans of soda today. Big day
Only thing that would Manns us better it’s if I has some cream cheese to make it a Seattle dog
Pretty fucking solid all things considered. First waffles were too crispy so had to adjust
Is it weird if I use two eggo waffles as buns if I don’t have hot dog buns?
My Old Pandora radio was the most curated set of music I could have ever made. I miss it dearly.
I wish someone made a pandora like/dislike continuous play system that actually still works
Yeah sometimes I wish I was a car person then I remember I’m bad at those things. I just want my car serviced so I can watch my partner do sports things
Me to the homies when they start making questionable choices
Wait wait waiting for my car to be serviced…
Alright back to game show network lol
Makes me feel good that I stumble over my words like a fucking 80 year old person. Reaaallllllllll good…..
I don’t talk politics stuff usually but as I watch the debate I can’t help but think about how much more interesting it was when there was a live audience and we could hear their reactions. Like a WWE fight for my nerdy ass
Reposted byAvatar lamp 🛋️
Tbh I still don’t know what was so great about that depression.
For context
My favorite band is the Imagine Dragons cover band Literal Dragons, whose members consist of four wyverns with taped on extra arms to make them technically ‘Dragons’
My favorite band is the Imagine Dragons cover band Literal Dragons, whose members consist of four wyverns with taped on extra arms to make them technically ‘Dragons’
So here’s the thing I can’t be an avid dropout shitposter because that would mean I need to watch and follow all the D20 shows and such and I have no time for that
If I’m james dean, then you’re also James dean
Better yet, can I bill xfinity because they are just the worst?
Can I bill xfinity for the money I’m losing while my internet is out and is obviously their fault?
Can I bill xfinity for the money I’m losing while my internet is out and is obviously their fault?
Reposted byAvatar lamp 🛋️
Me when someone asks what that peepee do
I dunno, I'm only softwood certified, and nobody complains.
Doggos thinking they are tough shit out here. Turns out they are just cutie patooties (see lil legs)
If anyone was wondering why I go by lamp it’s because my grandpa was called lampshade and my youth coach called me lampy… so here we are. My identity is lamp
Ew overhead lights get turned on by lamps being turned off
Therefore the only action I get is getting plugged into an outlet to make sure the overhead lights don’t get turned on
I see your jumbo shrimp, and raise you jumbo jumbo shrimp
Jumbo shrimp
Breathing in slow. Breathing out, and letting go.
Reposted byAvatar lamp 🛋️
Anyone know any EDS docs in Seattle? Looking for help with a diagnosis and management plan.
This is me when my internet goes out during work.
if you need me I’m going to have a big sandwich and a nap
Wife is gone for the week. You know what that means - popping with the door open! *dogs staring at me… *ends up closing door anyway
The worst part about working for a professional sports team is making sure you’re wearing the correct team and also the proper brand. God forbid I show up to an adidas event with Nike socks on