Oregon the DM🕎

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Oregon the DM🕎


A Jew Sticking to mostly PNW, Nerd topics, DnD, TTPRG, Superheros, Wrestling, Some Science Stuff.

social justice is inclusive, not here to argue about anything.
hmm Sting is blue, Goblins are near.
Hate to admit this is totally me when it comes to Bluesky drama
I fucking hate working with chicken quarters, they didn't have the drumsticks at the prices I usually get it, at so I got chicken quarters since they were that "near expired slashed price" deal. Freeze them and probably use them for soups cuz I don't wanna deal with that bullshit lol
sadly so true, monkey brain is still monkey brain. You put a couch on the corner for free, and no one will take it. Put a $40 sign on it, and someone will "steal" it .
-me escapes to outer space to avoid the bank- -comes out of cyro chamber- Red Dwarf: "Sir you owe us 12 billion pounds, your debt is to the point that several nations have declared war on you"
Manischewitz is an S-Tier accelerant
I wanna love Midnight Suns, it is a pretty fun card combat system for a marvel theme game But wtf is up with this persona 5 dating sim time sink they are forcing folks to slog through that they didn't advertise the game having at all lol
A lot of this was to a chronic addiction to Takis and my over the spring hobby of infusing Soju with various stuff and got carried away with both. So dumped the liquor, going back to the gym and going back to calorie cutting
Game plan, lose 20 pounds by November
This made me go check and wowzer For an app that doesn't have video and hardly anyone using gifs how is that possible. I watch a lot of reddit how-to videos so it being equavliant to that is quite concerning.
VERDICT: It’s BlueSky. BlueSky is chewing an absolute shit-ton of data. Compare data use statistics with use statistics.
BlueSky is just really…lonely, if one isn’t interested in a relatively narrow set of interests.
I’m not active on Twitter anymore but I’ve lost a lot by migrating here. Whole communities I used to be active in on Twitter haven’t made the jump, and finding a variety of content here is much more difficult than it was there.
While Sky is really nice platform it lacks much in the way of a good chunk of communities, which is good/bad, no influencers or algorithm bait nonsense, but sometimes creates a void of wanting to talk about things like the latest WWE show or hobby game stuff. I want more than political angst
me using a metal detector in a graveyard -beep beep beep- dig here, this one has gold rings --doom doom doom doom-- oooo found the One Ring
I wonder if Amazon's and Google's countless abandoned products hang out together on the Island of Misfit Toys, or if there's a rivalry there. I'd like to think they all get along.
probably my favorite-themed restraining combat spell at the moment now that I am going thru my old 3.5 content
who wore it better
German U Boat commander, through tears : I CANNOT FIND ZER PENIS
If you like runny eggs craft bowls and air fryers are going to be your best friend Plop two into the ceramic, scramble, 370 for 10 mins, and you have a hard scramble on the outside and practically hollandaise sauce on the inside. And no oils or butters used
I might Kidnap My Friends knives and sharpen them I'm visiting and cooking breakfast today like 3/4 of them can't cut a tomato
"I buy your litterbox, now pay me 200 and bury your tears"
Just need to find a group where I can play a Pirate Paladin, and kick someone overboard while smiting them with my pegleg.
I wonder if Amazon's and Google's countless abandoned products hang out together on the Island of Misfit Toys, or if there's a rivalry there. I'd like to think they all get along.
sorry bluesky is better than twitter bc of the dnd labeller account
Game plan, lose 20 pounds by November
my day: I am going to plan things out, we will do things, everything will work out my day on Adhd:
Butter and garlic are literally the best things ever
its v cool how even with inflation you can still buy shopping carts for a quarter a pop at aldis