
Ok, hive mind: I have a question. If you went to a musical instrument shop (lots of guitars etc) and the guy who served you looked like a standard metal fan, but they had a Thor’s hammer pendant, would that on its own be a red flag for potential fash?
I wouldn't say so. Loads of people have no idea Viking iconography has been ripped off by the fash, they just like it
I have a Mjolnir amulet on right now, and a tattoo of same. I grew up playing on Danish burial mounds, and play loud bass guitar, so, thunder. Been a thing my whole life. I’m well aware that the fash use that iconography, and was aware of it when I got my tattoos. Don’t care, they can fuck off.
The KKK use crosses, rather famously. I don’t hear Christians being told not to wear their pendants. So. I shall continue to shave my head, wear big boots, and do my thing, and I shall continue to go to anti-fash protests. Never been a problem, never will be.
I mean, I love a good bit of viking stuff, and I’m not fash. But it would definitely make me pause
Only you can know the vibes this guy was giving off, if something wasn't right then don't buy his violin, but if I saw someone with a little mjolnir pendant and nothing else untoward I wouldn't give it a second thought
I stopped wearing mine outside the house so people wouldn't get the wrong idea, which was really weird when I went to Norway and saw them, like, everywhere in the tat shops.
If you go to York viking paraphernalia is a huge industry; Jorvik is one of their major tourist attractions, there are tat shops, viking bars and such and nobody bats an eyelid. It's sensible to be cautious but for me it's much more likely to mean someone's into mead and dragons than Hitler
I love the idea of mead and dragons myself, but that’s because I’m a big nerd and I like folklore etc
Yeah I heard the re-enactment scene there is actually pretty inclusive and cool, but yeah, still so much work to be done to move away from the co-opting of those symbols.
That would certainly have given me a shock!
It was, and people just saw it as a somewhat tacky symbol to sell to tourists. Saw a café with a valknut symbol on its banner as well. Either Norwegians don't know those symbols have been co-opted or don't care? Really not sure.
Among those of us who do know, general consensus is usually that we won’t let them claim it. Your average norwegian probably has little to no idea what norse symbols are nazi/fash related.
I would say most Norwegian are aware that nazis use norse symbols, but it won't let them claim it. Except the sun wheel, few would use it. Except nazis as it was used by NS (Quisling) during WWII