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Just Some Guy (he/him) in the USA. Engineer in food plant construction. Probably too Online. Medium-left politics.
At a naturalization ceremony. Congratulations to all our new US Citizens
Found out I radicalized my sister-in-law (high school teacher) against Macron one time, when I explained his marriage
Four tries to stick a vein for the return line donating platelets. Feeling your arm swell up with back pressure doesn't hurt too bad but for my money it is the most *unnatural* sensation I've ever felt. Just plain weird
just got a fundraising text "From Trump" about getting convicted in a rigged trial. The temptation to reply "keep crying felon" is real; but I know that I should just block, that responding will just make my Phone Experience worse by confirming to scammers my number has a human behind it
I wonder if Yoda talked Like That because English wasn't his first language, or if everybody just talked that way 900 years ago when he learned English
apparently the local Red Cross was running a gift card raffle for blood donors, which I have won
had my biweekly DnD session over the weekend. Proposed we all take PTO on July 11th, assuming the sentencing doesn't move, and get day-drunk watching the news. Anyway one of my buddies just said in the groupchat his mom offered to host a BBQ
I wonder where the Triceratops came from. You think he like put an ad in the newspaper to the effect of "MAD SCIENTIST seeks VOLUNTEERS to be TURNED INTO DINOSAURS" and just saw who called him up for that?
Just walked past a raccoon chilling in a machine shop parking lot 10 feet from the road. Wonder if it had rabies
People get mad at me when I get fatalistic about this stuff but there's only so much you can do! Might as well negotiate with the sea
Thinking about becoming a crank about another Carrington Event happening. Writing letters to various legislators, saying we must prepare for the electrical grid to blow up again
the carpenters on reddit have gone Woke
inside you are two wolves. "You" are an illusion, merely the trenchcoat
So NYS vanity license plate "MPG ZERO" is on a Tesla. Thought to myself, "Buddy, I get what you're gesturing at, but that's not quite right"
Google Podcasts is shutting doors, so I gotta switch. What do you guys use? (I already have the dang BBC app for In Our Time, but I'd like to consolidate that too)
Stopped at a Flying J in Penn for gas. Got Rick-rolled by the background music when I went inside
Undercooked thought, but it seems conflating "Democracy" with "Capitalism" during the Cold War has confused a lot of people into thinking "Regulating Companies" is inherently anti-democracy. Feels like lobbyists have been encouraging that to continue, maybe not entirely consciously
...uman decisions are removed from strategic defense. The Omelas Child begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at....
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money. not 100% sure this was really the first, but it's what came to mind
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money
Avatar has set their homepage to the Baltimore Bridge Situation, you can see what tugs and such are in the area
Imaging a movie. It is a Hellraiser sequel. The Lament Configuration is solved by the Radioactive Boyscout. Can the Cenobites escape before it is too late?
Love to open the right of a pair of double doors and have the person on the other side say "oh thank you" and walk diagonally thru the door I just opened, instead of opening the door on their right to use themselves
you know I wonder what pigeons and deer and such make of Daylight Savings Time. All of a sudden the humans all just suddenly agree to do a bunch of stuff, rush-hour traffic and all, we just suddenly do those at a different time
imagining a movie. It is a workplace comedy, about a meeting at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, in 1994. The topic of the meeting is "how should spellcheck handle the N-word"
The actual solution to he trolley problem is to point out agency is an illusion and it is fated by God if they live or die
Remembering a time I was in a bar in Nevada at a work event and talking to some lady that worked with a charity dealing with wild horses. I knew they were an invasive species so I thought that meant cullings, but it turned out that was very much not the case
Got Rick-rolled by the Red Cross. Showed up for my donor appointment and guess who the phlebotomists had playing
a stall in the bathroom has red DANGER tape across the door. Really feels like a CAUTION tape kind of situation, at worst