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👑. black. she/her. i blocked u b/c u r annoying.
MCS: I’m ruthless and manipulative and that’s what you need to get on the throne. Jingyan: Did you have a hand in this ruthless, manipulative thing? MCS:
#NiF The only thing that could make this a MORE ‘Made For LaT’ set of characters would be if Superman was also in the photo.
Hercule Poirot (Suchet version). He would find my killer AND put everyone who acted an ass during the investigation on blast during the reveal.
if you were murdered and could assign any tv detective in the world to find your killer, who would you pick ?
I gotta get better about posting on here, so! Come play with me! Get to Know My Musical Tastes. One like = one song I currently have in rotation or forever have in rotation!
A fictional character you would give an invite code to:
a fictional character you would give an invite code to
Yo, remember that time Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer teamed for the ultimate Men Ain’t Shit anthem? Because I sure do and folks, “No More Tears” is still an absolute BANGER.
End of feed.