
One of the best comments that came out of retreat last week was “remember that social media is like chemo: necessary but also poison. Monitor not just your intake but how it’s making you feel. Take negative side effects seriously.”
Yep. That's one of the reasons my social media is done from 90% read 10% to 30% read 70% write, and the total incidence is down about 80% as well. I just don't have the spoons.
“Will it make you feel better/have positive impact to interact?” If no (or even “maybe?”) I give it a pass.
Thats a big reason I quit the bird site: I allowed it to upset me. It's much nicer here AND I spend less time here too. 🙂
This is really true. I had to quit twitter. I've been clean for about 4 days now.
I have found that I need to mute some people that I *like* because too many of their posts carry a darker vibe than I can tolerate for now. They are neither evil nor stupid and I don’t want to block them. But I want to be able to take a quick look at my feed without being pulled into Too Much.
Meh. They arent even remotely necessary tbh. We 100% can live without. And the day bsky becomes a poison like twitter, ill delete my account like i did on twitter.
When you make your rent by telling people about your new project, they have become very necessary.
"your experience may vary" but yes, caution
As a fellow C-club member I approve this message.
It'll make your hair fall out too, and it really helps if you smoke weed.
I’m fortunate to have a…career? Where it isn’t necessary, I just haven’t had a good enough reason to stop. If a doctor told me I’d get the same results from cutting out posting or giving up onion rings, I’d just scribble my little nonsense down where no one can see it.
Will you be offended if I post a screenshot of this elsewhere, with your account visible?
Once it hits Bluesky, it's public (ish) so go for it.