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Longtime SFF reader. Higher Ed data cruncher. Married, parent to two adults, one launched and one with intellectual disabilities working on independence. Catholic. In favor of wonder and kindness. She/her. Pic thanks to [email protected] on mastodon.
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Reposted byAvatar OtterB
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
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The border America needs to secure is between church and state.
Having trouble with the charger for my MacBook. Have spent an hour unplugging and replugging instead of doing the urgent task I can’t do w/phone. It is apparently charging now as long as I don’t breathe on it. This is a scream into the void in lieu of adjusting the equipment with a sledgehammer.
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Quick reminder that Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen ebook is on cheap!
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Ryk Spoor has written a guest column about the Liaden Universe(R) and Ribbon Dance. Read it here:
Guest Post by Ryk
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Reposted byAvatar OtterB
PSA: If you live anywhere near this blob and it’s not cloudy, tonight is a good night to go outside and look up
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
Eeep! Death in the Spires ebook has a sudden price drop to 99p/99c. Won't last long so get in while you can.
Introduce yourself with: One book: The Hands of the Emperor One film: The Last Unicorn One album: Time Passes By, Kathy Mattea One TV Show: Sherlock Holmes, Jeremy Brett version
Introduce yourself with: One book: The Guns of Avalon One film: The Fall of the Roman Empire One album: Time (Electric Light Orchestra) One TV show: Babylon 5
Today is the first National Assistive Technology Awareness Day My daughter, who has good comprehension but is nonverbal, uses assistive technology to communicate
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
Friends, if you've been following or you know that their daughter Caitlin is in a bad way. A small group of us have organized a fundraiser to help them be able to be entirely present with Caitlin. Please give them some love & support.
Lynne & Michael Thomas, organized by Mary Robinette It has been a long and exhausting road for Caitlin Thomas and her parents, Lynne & Michael… Mary Robinette Kowal needs your support for Lynne & Michael Thomas
Avatar This sounded like it might be up your alley.
Been doing some research and...would anyone be interested in a collection of (public domain, but never reprinted) pulp romantic mysteries? 🤔 #mystery #romance #romancelandia
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Somehow it never occurred to me that a major campaign issue for one of the national parties of the United States in 2024 would be general opposition to a triumph of modern medicine that saves something like 4 million lives worldwide every year and dramatically reduces childhood mortality.
They are apparently mudskippers rather than lungfish. This is nevertheless my vibe, not on social media so much as for life in general.
ALERT: this website remains in Elevated Screaming Lungfish Mode. Please flop around angrily in the mud until this warning terminates.
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you are using without explanation.
if you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you are using without explanation
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by the way if anyone needs, like, Jesus-centric language to try and get through to the “not sure about this whole gender thing but also not a soulless asshole” crowd in your own life, take anything from here that helps you
Copy of FACT SHEET: Common Misconceptions About Transgender & Nonbinary
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
It bears repeating since it keeps happening: headlines about a "looming government shutdown" instead of about "GOP threats to shut down government" aren't just biased against Democrats. They are biased against government.
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Now out together in a new and revised edition, Book of Ile-Rien collect her fantastic novels THE ELEMENT OF FIRE and her Nebula finalist (and the first I personally read of hers back in the day) THE DEATH OF THE NECROMANCER Happy release day, Martha!
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INT. FBI Headquarters Agent 1: We got a hit on a guy looking up weapons of mass destruction. SAC: Hit the database and pull his search history *clicking* Agent 1: It says here he was also looking for "domesticated cat breeds" and a "chocolate silk pie recipe" SAC: That's an author, let them go
There are lots (lots) of books I reread but here’s a recent one: TUYO. Young warrior from the winter country taken prisoner by a warlord of the summer land. Both would like peace between their peoples but it may not be possible. Good people trying to do the right thing amidst cultural differences.
If you see this, post a book you’ve read more than once. Spare, bleak, and brutal, WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO… demolishes many of the village pieties of genre SF. It’s also very funny. It was originally published in GALAXY during the editorship of Jim Baen. Which is to say, people are complicated.
Today’s minor success. My daughter is on Medicare due to disability. She had a change in prescription insurers and the new one required pre authorization for the med she’s been on for a year for migraine prevention. Doc requested it yesterday and insurance called this morning to say it was approved.
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
Happy birthday to Marjorie Rice (née Jeuck, 1923–2017) who discovered 4 new pentagonal tilings of the Euclidian plane! 🧪🐡👩‍🔬🧮 #histsci The San Diego mother of 5 (6th died in infancy) completed half a correspondence art course after high school & had no training as a mathematician but was always 🧵1/
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1PM today on the East Coast! 😀
reminder that this extraordinary panel is coming up on Sunday - love chatting with these people and admire them so much as authors, so I'm super looking forward to it!
KJ Charles, T. Kingfisher, Malka Older, and Martha Wells for COMFORT READS PANEL **VIRTUAL** |