
Not sure if I already blocked them or they blocked me, but they don’t show up in search….
I think they did a drive by, drop a few harassments on Patrick and then deleted their account. I spotted another who went after me a few days ago, same modus operandi.
I would not be averse to a “speed bump” installed where you had to lurk and learn for 5 days before you could post. Troll accounts might self-combust out of frustration.
They would just leave the account inactive for five days then come back
Some would. But most of them need immediate gratification for their cruelty.
True, although the lack of the immediate dopamine hit in swooping in and dropping their guano might dissuade some of them from the effort. Maybe.
It's hard to do ratchets that discourage trolls and not everyone else. Maybe 'vulnerable' accounts could self nominate to not allow mentions or replies from accounts below a certain reputation level?
Or to have new replies and mentions pre moderated, like a DDoS prevention service for spite?
Putting the onus on the ones at-risk (who may not know they’re at-risk until after the attacks have begun) is less than optimal.
Sure, but giving people who know they are targets because they have been dealing with the sucky stuff for years the option of more tools might help more than a waiting period that you might get one instance to adopt but would be impossible to scale across the decentralized future service
Maybe. But how many of them are bots? They'd move on to easier, faster targets.
If it's a bot you just program the five day delay in.
To paraphrase an old boss, Perfect is the enemy of good, and “but what if they do x” is the enemy of “let’s deal with actual y.”
The thing is people like @rahaeli have written at length about what works and what doesn't so I'm not aiming to be obstructionist, I'm just saying things that have been tried and haven't worked probably won't help however much we want them to, so maybe we try to think of other things
Putting the onus on the people at-risk has been tried, too, though. In fact, that’s been the default. I’m not trying to argue, just aware that not doing ANYTHInG gets you Xitter.
Excellent idea. I've noticed that some Facebook pages have a 24 hour restriction on new signups being able to post.