
When we wrote DF, we were not yet required to contend with the near-total corporate capture of AI research. Now, examining power (DF principle #1) must also centrally involve examining capitalist systems and the economic power they accrue 2/
Avatar has been a such leader here, along with theorists like Cedric Robinson and Angela Davis who have given us enduring models of racial and gendered capitalism 3/
Challenging power (DF principle #2) also needs to be recalibrated for AI, since so much LLM/genAI work reproduces the unequal status quo. Here we look to Wendy Chun to leverage biased models to help change the future, and to to develop models to repair the past 4/
Rethinking binaries and hierarchies takes (principle #3) takes us back to questions of gender and power. The recent Sam Altman / ScarJo fiasco had not yet happened when we wrote this but still, now, always, it's gender and power all the way down. And consent too (more later) 5/
Elevating emotion and embodiment (#4) in AI goes in two directions: listening to those with direct experience of AI harms, as in Joy Buolamwini's "evocative audit" of FRT; and recognizing how data/AI can be an "affect amplifier" (cf. Helena Suarez Val) going from rage to action 6/
Embracing pluralism (#5) takes up the topic of participatory AI, feat. a feminicide classifier which and Harini Suresh co-designed with data activists, a study of a potential chatbot for pregnant people led by, and the caution issued by Mona Sloane 7/