Meredith Whittaker

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Meredith Whittaker

President of Signal, Chief Advisor to AI Now Institute
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
Statement The new EU #ChatControl proposal for mass scanning is the same old surveillance with new branding. Whether you call it backdoor, front door or “upload moderation”: it undermines encryption and creates significant vulnerabilities.
“It costs hundreds of millions of dollars to train these models…So there is deep pressure from companies — that are basically promising God and delivering email prompts — to make some return on investment in this technology."
Signal's Meredith Whittaker sees AI as another big data The "surveillance business model" is using AI to expand its reach, the privacy expert says.
Årets prisvinner av Helmut Schmidts Fremtidspris er Meredith Whittaker,, leder av Attac Norge har fått lov å publisere takketalen hennes på norsk.
"I don’t think we can have a conversation about disinformation without having a conversation about the role of massive homogenous platforms that have cannibalized our media ecosystem and our information ecosystem in service of profit and growth for a handful of companies." goddam right
Signal’s with an excellent response to tech bros complaining that regulation impedes innovation.
Last week I had the honor of accepting the 2024 Helmut Schmidt Future Prize Instead of a traditional speech, I gave this talk on the history of AI, the business of surveillance, & why the use of AI "ad targeting for killing" in Gaza should be illegal👇
Die Rede der Zukunftspreisträ Meredith Whittaker warnt in ihrer Rede vor der Macht der Techindustrie und erklärt, warum es sich gerade jetzt lohnt, positiv zu denken.
Last week I had the honor of accepting the 2024 Helmut Schmidt Future Prize Instead of a traditional speech, I gave this talk on the history of AI, the business of surveillance, & why the use of AI "ad targeting for killing" in Gaza should be illegal👇
Die Rede der Zukunftspreisträ Meredith Whittaker warnt in ihrer Rede vor der Macht der Techindustrie und erklärt, warum es sich gerade jetzt lohnt, positiv zu denken.
Let's clear some stuff up about these Signal rumors, some of which are coming from the CEO of Telegram.🙄 did a good extensive thread about it on Xitter. #CyberSecurity
A very interesting interview (austria TV) with Signal Messengers president Also, there is always the danger for sensitive data to be stolen by insiders in security agencies and fall into the wrong hands. Either we have good encryption or none at all.
Avatar does a great job in explaining Signal's position as it relates to the Austrian's govt's demand for more monitoring, and why the concept is dangerous for everyone, even the govt asking for it. Her take on "big tech" and AI is 😗🤌 as well. #Österreich #signal #Austria
"ZIB 2"-Langfassung: "Signal"-Chefin zu Messenger-Ü Meredith Whittaker, die Präsidentin der Signal Foundation, spricht über die Pläne des Innenministeriums zur Messengerüberwachung und äußert Kritik am KI-Hype.
Must read essay by “In light of the existing concentration of military & financial power in the United States, handing the country even more “control” over all relevant social media platforms is not something we should reflexively embrace…”
Social Media, Authoritarianism, and the World As It Disagreement over recent TikTok legislation reveals a deep divide about our current political moment. Should we, like many of the bill’s proponents, assume the existence of a functional…
"What problem does this actually solve? The issue is not necessarily the tech, it’s how the structures that create it are shaped, the corporations and the governments that have the ability to determine who it serves and who it subjects"
Why Is This Happening? Unpacking this moment in tech with Meredith Whittaker: podcast and Chris Hayes speaks with Meredith Whittaker, president of Signal App, about her views on the tech landscape.
If you work at Google or any of the other tech companies providing material support to the IOF, you should consider to what degree that makes you complicit. And you should think about what actions you can take to throw a wrench into the war machine. We should all be thinking about this.
There is almost no way the large cloud companies providing massive compute services AI surveillance & data processing APIs aren't implicated in the system of 'ad targeting for death' being used to facilitate mass murder in Gaza.
Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Exclusive: Google has negotiated deepening the relationship during the war in Gaza.
Will be talking about this in the context of "The Gospel" both this coming Tuesday at Analytics Frontiers, and the 22nd at Emory's Candler School of Theology
There is almost no way the large cloud companies providing massive compute services AI surveillance & data processing APIs aren't implicated in the system of 'ad targeting for death' being used to facilitate mass murder in Gaza.
Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Exclusive: Google has negotiated deepening the relationship during the war in Gaza.