
It’s hard to ignore that there’s a class of cranky commentariat that was upset that kids changed norms and had too much sex and then became upset that kids changed norms and had not enough sex and it’s becoming to look kind of unsettlingly preoccupied
In all seriousness, if the kids are having less sex it's more likely because they have a radically different understanding of consent than we did — and that's GREAT.
The proper technocratic response to this is to set up a teen pregnancy federal reserve. When we have runaway teen pregnancy inflation, the federal reserve dumps a lot of contraceptives into the market. If teen pregnancy is in a recession, the reserve starts buying back the contraceptives.
Of course, we can’t just rely on the teen pregnancy rate as those are going to have seasonal and local distortions, like when the Eras tour passes through towns. We need to also take into account signals like college campus protests and volume of incel member sizes on VDare forums.
If they’re incels, I don’t see why their member sizes are relevant.