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the alien name for Earth translates as the labyrinth of swine
please put your... LIVE HORMIGAS in the bagging area
here's a new poem I've been working on called "how long must I live in a world where back to the futures outrageous crimes against the doctrine of karma go unpunished?"
most people couldn't drink a pint of heavy cream without gagging. but they'll happily call it a family event if you make them eat it half-frozen. heraclitus would have loved this.
fine whatever I don't care anymore I'll say it. the piano is a vile instrument and the celesta makes it sound like 88 horse penises
trust wales to make ironing sexy by calling it smoothio
a quarter white onion, finely chopped 6 serrano peppers, finely chopped big handful cilantro, roughly chopped big pinch fleur de sel grind to a paste in mortar add 3 avocados, mash stir in handful quartered cherry tomatoes adjust for salt with fleur de sel, not kosher salt thank me later
one of the biggest problems with democracy is that you can't sentence woody allen to the wishmaster franchise for the rest of his life
really like it when nature makes two of a thing because the second time it always looks like a person tried to draw the first from memory. skips straight to farce.
this Easter I am advising children everywhere to go to the grave with the song still in them because that which we can find words for is something already dead in our hearts
if I were John D I would simply pay my sculptor to lie about how my body looked
tom lehrer ("teacher”) has a great nominative determinism song in him somewhere that would follow ackman to his crypt
“Well Harry,” said Hagrid, “a translation is a lot like a plane crash. The smartest people in the world can recover 100% of the pieces and tell you exactly what happened, but that bitch ain't flyin.”
Reminded of riffing on (help me out here) Cocteau or Godard, etc., in the Paris Review, that it's an indignation for an artist is to win an award, a sign the artist is finished. It dignifies Raging Bull that it lost to Ordinary People--but Barbie ain't Raging Bull.
one carpeted spaceship with a high end japanese stationary store on level 12 please
The movie is centered around The Iron Lady who has showcased her iron fist in winning the race in business world.
¿Aceptarás el asombroso poder de mi nave para ayudar a la humanidad por todos el tiempo futuro? ¿Usarás nuestro poder para destruir el hambre y el dolor y la muerte sin piedad ni excepción? me: abuelita soy tu nieto
napoleon is this generation's starship troopers and is gonna suffer the same fate for 20 years
when you submit your typescript in a three-ring binder be sure to spot weld the rings
I'm a burn the boats guy but before they leave
dracúle par abraham chauffeur
he was playing them at the same time, often within days of each other.
walken voice: humoral theory.. has a coelocanth and its name is blue balls
hello copbot 4000 do not shoot me in the head, or if you must please grant my last request first and explain the english pluralization rule at work in 'my scissor collection' & 'the frames of my glasses'
During World War II American soldiers would scavenge the acrylic windscreens from downed bombers. They would whittle these into "sweetheart grips" for .45 caliber pistols, so that photos of loved ones could be embedded beneath.
write sonnets as normal paragraphs you perverts
the mime who invents tool use & throws the bone in 2001 was John and Yoko's heroin dealer on let it be
me: [taking the laminated card out of the drunk's hands and his fifty] sorry friend to read is to comprehend and to comprehend is to understand and because you do not understand, you did not read. him: but I just read you the first sentence! me: [over shoulder] then say what it means
chauncey gardner was a self conscious oppenheimer impression. enjoy your nolan film