Funny thing about all of the Seal Team 6 assassination prognostications is everyone on both sides, including SCOTUS, taking for granted that the Seals would carry out the order.
When all of the Proper (legal, political, and institutional) Remedies are off the table it does not take societies long to figure out what the only Remedy they have left is, and I wonder if the Court put any thought into that!
Traveling back in time to explain our current moment to the founding fathers, who react with horror; when I return the constitution explicitly forbids appointing Catholics to the Supreme Court
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
Forcing John Roberts into a recursive contradiction that tears reality apart by asking him if a Jan. 6 participant could sleep outside the Capitol the night before
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
In addition to being awesome, the famous Cool Hand Luke line, "What we have here is a failure to communicate", reveals that the film is a workplace drama.
Worth comparing the 'redemption arcs' (which is just to say, the lives lived after the crises) of Michael Richards and Louis CK. Richards all but disappeared from public life, aided in what we're almost at pains to call a 'return' by the authentic friendships of his former Seinfeld cast mates.
feels extremely american to be like “we need you to keep running your stochastic terrorism business so you can pay back the victims of your stochastic terrorism”
NEW: Alex Jones gets to keep broadcasting on Infowars, with the judge finding it is "in the best interest" of Sandy Hook families for the company to avoid bankruptcy so Jones would be better able to repay his massive debt (via Bayliss Wagner, Austin American-Statesman)
It kicks ass that everywhere you go now there are signs up that say like “Please do not yell at our staff. We are trying to help you. Don’t spit on us and throw things at us. We are human beings. We might ask you to leave if you can’t stop stabbing us with knives”
Less amusing than I’d hoped to be the only person on the plane wearing a mask and still getting Covid.
Charles Entertainment Xavier
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
I've been screaming about this "except in cases of rape or incest" bullshit for 20 years. THE NEXT QUESTIONS should have always been, "Oh, is it easy to legally prove you were raped?" "Within 6 weeks?" and "Can child victims of sexual abuse seek medical treatment without their abuser?"
The exceptions for abortions in states with bans are meaningless. People don’t understand them, they are too hard to get, and physicians are too afraid to perform the abortion. In MS no-one helped a 13 year old rape victim get an abortion she was legally entitled to.
This is the equivalent of your dealer saying "maybe you should try talking to someone"
Free idea for actually teaching 4’33”: at the end of the class period before it’s assigned, make the students take out their phones and add 4’33” to their favorite playlist. Next class starts with a discussion of that experience. Then you play it in class and continue the discussion.
Many of you are sleeping on Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel, and it shows
Noëlle McAfee, Chair of the Philosophy Dept at Emory University, is arrested by an Atlanta PD officer wearing a balaclava. The cop is dragging her forward by her restraints as she tells an Emory student to call Philosophy Dept to tell them about her arrest. video
i think the best way to understand the supreme court's conduct in trump v. united states is as an explicit effort to intervene in the 2024 election on behalf of the former president. it is a gross abuse of power on par with dred scott and deserves to be met with sanction from the elected branches.
My thoughts on the oral argument and what the Court is likely to do:
Also, if you see a university on this list you are affiliated with that DOES NOT have an encampment or protest, please let me know. I’m going through each uni to document, but the initial list was aggregated from others tracking the protests. I want to be as accurate as possible
As of 9 am we’re almost at 60 campuses. Emory, George Washington, and Georgetown announced in the last couple hours
And it's worth knowing, when the BPD came down on these college students with their unlimited violence - they cited our "progressive" Mayor Michelle Wu's "camping ban" that was passed to legitimize the unhoused sweeps at Mass & Cass. Violence that starts against the unhoused never ends there.
i have not seen any mention of it but it sure seems like the authorities cracking down on student protesters are basically attempting to do what they wish they would have done in response to the george floyd protests
Watching people gleefully cheer for the police to crack the heads of their own children in support of sending arms to a country systematically killing children with those very arms is definitely going to stick with a lot of people for a very long time.
I'm surprised no protesting groups are exercising their economic power as a protest measure. At $50,000 p/ in net tuition revenue, the 300 arrested students alone represent $15m in annual operating funds at Columbia. Even there, a credible transfer movement would be huge.
As uncommon as it is for incarcerated people to make endorsements, Sirhan Sirhan has the chance to do the funniest goddamn thing in the history of politics right now
This is his latest post lol
Ambiguity is irresponsible under these circumstances. So is overgeneralization. Most universities and government seem to be part of a movement to delegitimize a broad range of speech about Israel and Gaza — some directly, some through ambiguity.
NEWS The White House has issued a statement on the situation at Columbia University: