
never been prouder to be a non-“heritage” american, who is here to displace the kind of wasps who call themselves “founding stock”
"heritage american" jfc
I have a bit of that, if they actually researched what became of so many people of that era, well let’s just say that America’s immigrants after the revolution are the real architects of its later greatness. Alousius Bumblefuck Proctor was probably a shit stain.
and some of them, i assume, were good people
It says a lot about their distant progeny that the best they can do is say they were related to people from back then. If you know anything about their lives and beliefs you can really get a feel for how far we’ve come since. Good is high subjective in this case.
we're all products of our place and time, and i wouldn't like being judged by ppl 300 years hence, but in every era there's a sliding scale and i'm sure that if we were to visit, we would find some people with a recognizable morality. how many? i don't know
Yep. Getting back to the Heritage American’(yuck) idea: what is White Supremacy if not making aspects of yourself that are at best tangential to your relative worth as person absolutely central to your identity? So tired of these assholes man.