Microplastics Sommelier

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Microplastics Sommelier


But doctor, I replied, bursting into tears, I 𝘢𝘮 the universally beloved bluesky poster formerly known as ‘Helmet.jpg’

Astro PhD 🔭 | Coffee-milk advocate ⚓︎ | he/him | Exact Same Politics As You

Reskeets = Endorsing me as a person
PSA America It's Sir Keir, or (the) Prime Minister, or just the surname. It's not "Prime Minister Starmer" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Sir Starmer" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden. x.com/fawfulfan/st...
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
my spray bottle labelled “apple juice” is raising a lot of questions already answered by the bottle
here, i have updated 'memento' for the computer age
the european mind cannot comprehend this photo
Please take a moment to salute what we hold most dear
my uncle spent summers working on MV in the 70s and recalls overhearing an exasperated guy in a bar complaining about how "the cameras keep falling in the water" & “that goddamn shark" wasn’t working. then jaws came out and he realized what he'd overheard.
covering my body in tats like memento but they're all excel formulas
What gives me hope are the normal people trying to save things. People running for school board against moms for liberty freaks, college kids protesting, local newsrooms investigating corruption etc. They inspire but also make me pissed off at the powerful people/institutions that won’t defend them
**steps up to microphone in front of assembled reporters** “We are here today demanding an end to the carnage wrought by Dave’s Killer Bread.”
(so very tired) time to post the meme again
Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.
my wife & i still talk about a time we stopped into a chinese takeout restaurant near our house and were chatting, mentioned we’d been strolling around the festival happening in town that day and were in the mood for some crab rangoon, and the guy, a reserved older man, was just like “how romantic!”
For @davidjroth.bsky.social, things of that nature
lol this set off the “age-restricted item” warning at the self checkout.
regular news: everything is awful and it’s getting worse sports news: some sports happened science news: check this out—animals are even gayer than you thought 🌈
the fact that the press is mad at biden for being old while hailing presidents lincoln and roosevelt who literally became dead in office (the oldest you can be) demonstrates their absurd double-standard. in this five-part essay i will,
i like that the jersey shore cast comes back at random intervals so we can see how their lives are going. it’s like the ‘seven up’ series for dirtbags.
i find it oddly comforting to be reminded that the supreme court being absolute dogshit is deeply rooted in our nation’s history and traditions, and that fighting it has been frequently necessary. “[T]he current court is not an aberration in terms of the antidemocratic role it plays.“
The Supreme Court Is Out of Control. This Is Our Best Hope.slate.com Things do not have to be this way.
Do it Supreme Court style, 6-10 of them a day, each one fundamentally altering the country in its own unique way
not for nothing but if i were in the biden admin, i’d ram a whole megaton of maximizing executive orders through while every reporter in america is fixated on biden old, since they’re clearly not going to cover anything else this week.
never been prouder to be a non-“heritage” american, who is here to displace the kind of wasps who call themselves “founding stock”
"heritage american" jfc
cookie lyon stepping into the void where healthy journalism is supposed to be
“Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awards. The host of this year's BET Awards warned viewers on multiple occasions about the far-right plan to dismantle and remake the government in Trump's image.” www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/sh...
Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awardswww.msnbc.com The draconian plan supported by conservative groups to dismantle the government if Donald Trump is elected was the talk of the Black Entertainment Television Awards.
if it makes you feel any better, in cosmological terms, each of us is a speck of dust, flickering into and out of existence in an unfathomably vast, uncaring universe
[holding forth with my jocular quips as my followers look on approvingly]
“what did you do in the second civil war, grandad?” “i tried to keep up morale by making little jokes online”
sick of these political arguments. more people should follow my example of what to do with strong opinions. i just go outside, dig a hole, and shout my views into that. 🕳️
i asked a lefty straight man i know (this is irl) whether he was aware that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung. the subject made him incredibly uncomfortable. he simply didn’t want to hear it.
“what did you do in the second civil war, grandad?” “i tried to keep up morale by making little jokes online”
when your card declines at the Olive Garden and they serve you divorce papers
curse the wizard’s spell that made this brave senator powerless to do anything besides plaintive tweeting