
I didn't see anyone talking about antisemitism when neo-Nazis were matching in the streets and, where I taught at the time, booking the biggest performance venue on campus. The university said their hands were tied. They didn't protect their students from the possibility of racist violence.
He was heckled offstage, while he screamed that he was "America's premier intellectual dissident."
So we were lucky that he's a hated buffoon. But the lack of anger or care that those in power had about the fact that neo-Nazis & white nationalists were suddenly everywhere, we felt that. We remember.
So the performance of concern is doubly infuriating. These people don't care about Jewish safety; they're often raging antisemites themselves. They only want to silence Palestinian humanity. We see you.
one would think they were happily complicit or even in support of such things 🤔
Because they only give a shit when it's Protestants and to a lesser extent Catholic students/professors complaining about things on campus.
Leftist protests may one day lead to legitimized rejection of capitalism. If that happens, how will senior administrative university staff afford their current lifestyles?