
Happy Birthday, America! This year you can have a god-king again, as a treat, so long as he is also the host of Celebrity Apprentice.
I look forward to my annual custom tonight of posting “did anyone hear that?” and “were those fireworks or gunshots?” on my local community Facebook page all night.
Or, in homage to the greatest Nextdoor thread ever: “Seahawks touchdown!”
I literally live within miles of at least 4 military bases, police owned outside shooting range, and tourist areas with nightly fireworks. And still the comments come in. And also “what’s with the helicopters”? Oh you mean the Ospreys that are based two miles away?
Down in semi-rural Covington and I can guarantee (1) it will go on for hours, and (2) an uncomfortable percentage of the explosions will *not* be fireworks. ... Though it'll be a statistical improvement over the other 364 days, when the vast majority ARE gunshots.
I guess I’ve reacclimated to Canada - heard the fireworks Monday night and didn’t once worry it was gunshots.