
Pew puts out a study where black people say that they 'believe' in things that are obviously, historically true, well-documented, and still happening today and calls them 'racial conspiracy theories'; are taken aback when people get mad about it
I have been saying for ages that one of the problems with this country is that people believe insane conspiracies that are made up while ignoring the many, many ACTUAL conspiracies by the powerful that are either exposed or right out in the open. If anything the response rate should be 100%
indeed. *who needs an illuminati when all this dirt is done right in the open?*
Jfc. I’m too angry. I’ve typed out and deleted too many responses to this.
But like, the sheer level of whiteness… it’s like a fucking colgate ad.
There's only one of those that's kinda sketchy and only in the motivation part "market luxury goods to keep them in debt". Not really, they do it to make money. Need a capitalism version of Hanlon's razor: never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by greed. The others are all true.
That's true but keeping people you don't like in debt penury is a fun bonus
And TIL I’ve been Black all this time & never knew it. Social media educates as well as entertains.
Still looking for the conspiracy *theories*