Leonard Pierce

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Leonard Pierce


Marxist, wife guy, ne'er-do-well. Concerned with words, generally. Chicago-based eating enthusiast. Possibly Jewish? Crime, baseball, communism.
As noted, I'm bailing on social media for a while. I may shut down my website, too, as it's not doing me any goddamn good. Before I fuck off and shove my head full of LSD for a week, though, you can read this if you care to. Love to all you friends and comrades.
Thirteen Thoughts as Darkness Fallswww.leonardpierce.com I. What Is and What Never Should Be It can be very easy, living where and how we live, to lose sight of what we refer to, and even then in quotes ironic or otherwise, as reality. We are, as people,…
I think it’s time I left social media behind for a while. Back when I’m less agitated, ha ha. Last word for now: huge congratulations to our new and returning Chicago DSA officers, including @acabcalloway.bsky.social. You all do so much under such rough circumstances. dsausa.org/join
Join DSA. Become a member today.dsausa.org Democratic socialists have an historic opportunity and responsibility to play a central role in continuing the political revolution for the long term. As a democratic, grassroots organization, DSA is ...
Reposted byAvatar Leonard Pierce
Why on earth would I comply with the Project 2025 freaks? Pride needs to be 10-100 times bigger next year fwiw
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
Reposted byAvatar Leonard Pierce
Folks we all are guilty of armchair QBing campaigns but I think it's pretty uncontroversial to assert that a statement about a SCOTUS ruling that does not talk about either the ruling or SCOTUS is not how to play this.
Lot of people in the mindset that they can still win this one, just "we gotta re-elect Biden and then win every election and also win more elections" It's like people saying "If I just keep playing three-card monte I'll HAVE to win one eventually". You will not!
Really good day to understand the meaning of “a system is what it produces”
THE NEWS: Six people just decided the president can do whatever ANALYSTS: Actually this is fair because Democrats can be just as authoritarian as Republicans LIBERALS: Imagine if we lost this democracy
The Political History of America, 2014-2024
I know I'm being a tedious fucking bore today but the way people just accept as eternal and permanent the state of our obviously wrecked political system. It really plays up the near-total lack of political education we get in America, especially as it concerns imperialism and capitalism
The thing that bums me out the most about liberals is their complete dearth of imagination and the possible. I get it. They have, or *think* they have, better morals than conservatives. The things they say they want are better than the things their opposition says they want! That's real! BUT.
Reposted byAvatar Leonard Pierce
Marxists: Race is the modality in which class is lived. Trump: Race, many people are saying that more and more it is the modality in which class is lived. It's true. It's true.
Quote this with something yellow from your gallery
Quote this with something yellow from your gallery
Crazy how many people who want me to vote for Joe Biden decide to block me rather than answer pretty simple, basic questions about why they think it's acceptable to do so!
Posting what block lists you're on is fine for amateurs, but true pros like me focus on common qualities in user bios of those who block you. FOR EXAMPLE #10: NAFO/Ukraine flag in bio (16 blocks). I assume this is because I believe that all wars between capitalist powers are wars of imperialsim
CHICAGO PEOPLE ONLY: How much are you willing to pay for a pizza puff as part of a takeout or dine-out order? Or will you only eat them at home, made yourself? NOTE: If you do not eat pizza puffs consider muting me
I will not under most circumstances defend the press against charges of being pro-authoritarian, but pointing out that Joe Biden is a bad politician, a weak president, and an old man who is not that on the ball is just them describing the situation accurately for once
People posting "Why aren't the Democrats making a bigger deal about Trump's convictions and illegal activities?!?" like it is a big mystery. Reader, it is not
You know what's nuts is the spice trade Like some guy comes back from a two year journey at sea and his wife is all what the fuck, man, you were gone forever And he's all yeah we found this island that has little plants that make food taste better And she's like, oh, wow, could you go back?
Okay So Has anyone written a TTRPG where a Bachelor in Paradise/Love Island-type show is attacked by Deep Ones, who are then immediately integrated into the show as new contestants Because if not I would like a check for one million dollars please
Another fun analogy to not think about: Let's say that you have a microwave oven. And every time you use it, the food either comes out burnt to shit or completely frozen. Do you: (a) tell your family to hope for burnt because at least that's better than frozen? or (b) replace the fucking oven?
This is my only response from this point forward
Reposted byAvatar Leonard Pierce
we have utterly failed to put fear in the hearts of the rich, who believe their wealth entitles them to rule, and we need to start before we never have the chance again
I quit reading superhero comics a while back on account of my brain so I somehow missed this hilarious bit from a few years ago where Superman pauses while trying to figure out how to get Earth out of the Phantom Zone to threaten a bunch of 'looters'. Bendis!
A friendly reminder that unlike the Dems, the GOP, and most American leftist parties, DSA is actually a democratic organization, and we are DESPERATE for people who actually want to get involved in politics and implement the good ideas they have to improve our collective situation!
Shout out to @modernistwitch.bsky.social for finally getting us to watch Love Island. I just about lost it watching Kendall show off his TCU math by explaining that he's had sex with 27 women in the seven years since college: "What is that, like, three a year?" So close!
I am reposting this because I want you to join DSA, not because it says I am always right But, you know
Leonard as usual is correct. I think we need enormous public pressure for govt agencies to ignore the destruction of Chevron. We also needed doctors to ignore Dobbs and there's ample room for organized pressure around that. also join DSA to actually build the political alternative: dsausa.org/join
Join DSA. Become a member today.dsausa.org Democratic socialists have an historic opportunity and responsibility to play a central role in continuing the political revolution for the long term. As a democratic, grassroots organization, DSA is ...
Really looking forward to hearing more about this 'democracy' that we're going to 'lose' if Trump becomes President again, in light of the fact that six unelected officials just decided that the government has no right to interfere with business
Reposted byAvatar Leonard Pierce
democracy in a party isn’t a sign of weakness it’s a sign of a healthy internal political culture. but you squeezed us all out for our disobedience. now what will you do? at some point these democrats will realize we were trying to save them but they hated the left so much they forgot to think
It never fails with these dullards