
The strongest indicator that Gavin Newsom fans don't know what they're talking about is how many times I've seen people earnestly argue that his nomination would guarantee Democrats the California electoral votes, as if California currently has a chance of going for Trump in 2024.
This makes no earthly sense in any capacity. The only person right wing Californians hate more than Biden is Gavin Newsom.
Which is hilarious, because a lot of us lefty Californians can barely stand him either.
Whoops, one of those was me, and it was definitely supposed to be read as deadpan sarcasm
I know people who think a Newsom/Harris ticket would win. They're both campaigning for Biden. And they say they've been following this stuff for years. If so, they've not learned a damn thing. Incumbents already have an advantage. Sure, the orange jackass has some, but he's insane.