
I'm reading Educated, which is well written and eye-opening, but damn it's terrifying and hard to read at points. When reading a memoir, you have every reason to believe that the kid makes it to adulthood, but I really don't see how.
It’s disturbing. I heard her discussing it before I read it. David Runciman interviewed her on a podcast. So I was prepared. Her story reminds me of Rachel Dolezal’s family. There are many adults emerging from these situations…
Yes! This was also my experience of reading. I have some reservations or observations about the second half of the book, would be curious what you think about it at the end.
Jumping in to say that I was nearly horrified at how not-angry she was with her parents, and how very not fully processed it all seemed at the end.
Ooh, yeah. Couldn't write the book, I think, if you had only rage without quite a bit of love. Hasn't she written a second volume of memoir? Feel like I heard that?
It seems her mother (not Tara) has published a counter-memoir as full of alternate history as you'd imagine.
Ahhhhhhh, oh, yeah. Ok. Probably not going to read that.