
If you're thinking Canada? This is purely anecdotal, but I travel all over the world for my job and Canada is the only country that aggressively questions me as to why I'm in Canada doing journalism and insists I should be doing it in America. So maybe they're not that keen on us just showing up.
As someone who has for decades looked into moving to other countries (not for "oh no, politics" reasons but because I like the idea of living in other places), I can tell you it's stupid hard to just move to (probably a European country).
My entry into Canada experience is always like "We don't care if you're a terrorist, as long as you aren't coming to our country to do a job a Canadian could do."
No other country has been as angry at me for doing my job within their borders. I'm just like, "I don't make these plans. I'm not in charge of where things happen. I'm just here to write and shoot some video. I promise I'll leave soon."
FWIW it goes the other way too - I know a Canadian who caught a 10-year ban for trying to enter the US to throw a party (which Border Patrol thought sounded like work)
sigh. People think Canada is just another state but NOPE
I had a friend who was detained for two days when he told CBP he was going to Buffalo "to try some wings"
Border crossings are the worst. Same guy once got turned away from re-entering Canada with a carload of kerrygold butter, which is not available up there, he was stocking up because he needed this special butter for bulletproof coffee and Canadian border patrol made him return it to the Costco lol
Wisconsin alone has more dairy capacity than our country. We're serious about imports
International smuggling, and then you realize it between us and Canada, such a let down. lol