
Nationalize Boeing. It is the right thing to do of course and it is also the most humane way to put the executives out of their misery however I am open to other suggestions in that area as well
NASA astronauts stuck in space after Boeing Starliner Faulty thrusters and helium leaks have plagued the aircraft, though officials believe there's no danger to the Americans taking it home.
Clawing back the looting of NASA would make me unbelievably happy.
NASA was set up to be looted, everything (+/-10%) was built by private contractors The change is the oversight, which has gone away. Used to be, 10 guys worked on it, 3 guys looked it over. Now it's 100 guys built it, 1/3 a guy looked it over
And the guy who looked it over retires from the gov to get a Boeing job after his 20-30 yrs