Jamie Schler

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Jamie Schler


Writer mostly about food and culture, Substacker, cookbook author, hotel owner, jam maker, American in France. If there’s food, I’ll be there. #endALS Check out my stuff https://bento.me/jamieschler

Well, it’s comforting to know that Trump chose the worst, the most racist, misogynistic, homophobic, lying white dude and Christian nationalistic extremist he could find. A heartbeat away from running the country. Project 2025 on steroids and acid.
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“In great quantity, madame. In great quantity.” - Curnonsky 2 favorite French summer dishes - la ratatouille & la bohémienne (an especially personal favorite). I’ve given you the recipes both here 👇🏻 jamieschler.substack.com/p/ratatouille
My post is up.... in which I give the simple recipe for this perfect summer dish and a little of its history. Discover the tian - a dish that is also a dish. jamieschler.substack.com/p/tian (please share and do subscribe!)
Well, this doesn’t surprise me. In fact it makes perfect sense. He’s already traded foreign policy decisions for trademarks for Ivanka and personal enrichment. He’s most likely sold national security and classified information. There’s $$$ in it for him. I guarantee it.
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Schler
happy whatever fuckin day it is
“In great quantity, madame. In great quantity.” - Curnonsky 2 favorite French summer dishes - la ratatouille & la bohémienne (an especially personal favorite). I’ve given you the recipes both here 👇🏻 jamieschler.substack.com/p/ratatouille
This 4th of July there are 8 Americans being held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Edan Alexander Itay Chen Sagui Dekel-Chen Hersh Goldberg-Polin Gadi Haggai Judith Weinstein Haggai Omer Neutra Keith Siegel Today should be about obtaining THEIR freedom. #BringThemAllHome
Is Project 2025 today's Mein Kampf?
"..in America the law is King...and there ought to be no other.” - Thomas Paine Happy We Freed Ourselves From A King We Don't Want Another Day to all who celebrate! 🎆
“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” - Thomas Jefferson
The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered. - Thomas Jefferson
So I was here at the WH in Nov 2022 when @POTUS returned from his week-long Asia trip. Midnight, a 16-hour flight, yes he walked from the helicopter to the WH like an old man. But he came over to talk to the press, wide awake, charming, kind, funny, and answered questions.
What the New York Times wrote. What the New York Times should’ve written.
“...they also use tomatoes, which are fresh and healthy and is a kind of juicy thick grains (sic), and make tasty sauce, and by themselves they are good to eat.” - Jose de Acosta, 1598 Two luscious summer tomato tarts. jamieschler.substack.com/p/2-tomato-t...
Can we all just step back and calm down, please?
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Schler
Because it matches the vibe today, here's some demons teaching monks how to make gunpowder in MS Bodley 181 (digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/90cc...)
Good morning from Zurich 💐 “We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other's opposite and complement.” - Hermann Hesse 💜
I’m sorry but I still can’t get over this. 🤩
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Schler
THREAD Short -- but important.
In April 1944, the Vice President of the United States wrote an article in the New York Times about the threat of Fascism in the United States. He ended by predicting that right wing anti-Communist saber rattlers in the US will inject a fascistic brand of politics into our political culture.
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Schler
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Schler
You will never guess which Judges voted to make it easier for public officials to receive gifts.
In yet another decision that weakens anti-corruption law, the Supreme Court overturned the bribery conviction of a disgraced former Indiana mayor
Supreme Court Overturns Ex-Mayor’s Bribery Conviction, Narrowing Scope Of Public Corruption Lawwww.huffpost.com The high court sided 6-3 with James Snyder, former mayor of the small Indiana city of Portage.
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Schler
BIG BIG BIG BIG NEWS!!! The German edition of my cookbook Orange Appeal is being released in September and it's absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy!
BIG BIG BIG BIG NEWS!!! The German edition of my cookbook Orange Appeal is being released in September and it's absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy!
I refute trump’s fitness to hold public office and I dare your refuttal.
Project 2025 = Sharia Law + Mein Kampf + The Handmaid's Tale
Thank you 🙏 You got me to over 9K subscriptions (my goal is 10K) plus sooooo many wonderful new followers here. I truly hope you all love my work, my recipes, my stories. You keep me going & inspire me to work better 💜
SO I'm almost finished with my cookbook proposal & ready to send. BUT the 1st thing an editor will look at is my subscriber numbers. SO please could you help me boost them by subscribing & sharing? It's free & would really help me & my work! Thank you! jamieschler.substack.com
Life's a Feast by Jamie Schler | Substackjamieschler.substack.com Life's a Feast with Jamie Schler. Click to read Life's a Feast by Jamie Schler, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.
Oh the irony! Donald Seven Deadly Sins Trump has broken every single commandment and he posts this blasphemy.