🏳️‍⚧️Lilly (void) North🏳️‍⚧️

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🏳️‍⚧️Lilly (void) North🏳️‍⚧️


#drumandbass producer.
#trans 🏳️‍⚧️.
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Check out my spotify
Cool video, howd you do the animation? Id love to make a music video that looks like that one day
Ya, fallow for fallow isn't helpful It just leaves you with a bug number, but no actual engagement
Thats awesome to hear I hope you enjoy getting into it It really is alot of fun to get into Plus, having something physical to touch well you play just feels so damn good
♿️ #Webdevs #appdevs Listen the fuck up If i as a visually impaired person need to compromise my #accessibilitytools just to use your app/website Your shit isn't acceptable enough to the disabled community You all NEED to fix that problem Disabled people AREN'T AND SHOULDN'T BE AN AFTERTHOUGHT
♿️ website and app developers NEED to start considering how there products look and operate on devises that have zoop accessibility tools turned on Visually impaired people deserve to have a good ui experience just as much as the rest of there user bass Disabled people deserve better then this shit
♿️ website and app developers NEED to start considering how there products look and operate on devises that have zoop accessibility tools turned on Visually impaired people deserve to have a good ui experience just as much as the rest of there user bass Disabled people deserve better then this shit
♿️ Like Why is it everyone else gets these nice clean sleek looking sights and apps, and i as a #visuallyimpaired person have to deal with overlapping text that makes it impossible to read anything, click on anything, or even navigate anything online?
It really is Im sorry, i dont mean to rant at you Ill probably just use that sight on desktop going forward Its just so frustrating that i need to constantly make things harder for me to read just so i can actually use an app/website properly without running into a bunch of ui visual bugs
♿️ i as a visually impaired user shouldn't need to compromise my accessibility tool just so i can use a website Uber eats has the same problem You ordered something from them, the text on the app blocks out the map that your supposed to use to know were your food is Its bullshit
♿️ in my eyes If you cant take the time to consider how your UI will look on alternative screen zooms You are a failed company that very clearly doesn't care about how disabled people are supposed to navigate the internet Its so frustrating
♿️ Like Why is it everyone else gets these nice clean sleek looking sights and apps, and i as a #visuallyimpaired person have to deal with overlapping text that makes it impossible to read anything, click on anything, or even navigate anything online?
It might be because my phone is set up to have mack screen and font zoom But like, are people with visual Impairments not alowd to have clean ui on the internet? Even bluesky when i first joined had that problem(thankfully some of them have been fixed) Im so tired of being an after thought in UI
There thing is SO badly optimized for my phone oh my god There hamberger menu is straight up broken, and navigating there sight already feels like a nightmare Ill figure it out eventually But like, if a new user cant Instantly. Understand how a sight works, its not designed vary well
What do you used to schedule? Like a separate website for post scheduling? Or are you just writing shit down
Iv been wanting to look into that too Problem is for me, i WILL chew through it And i dont actually want to break it My favorite thing to chew on when i was a little girl was those lego rubber tires They had the best texture I chewd through them so easily, but they felt so damn nice
Suger has been found to be as if not more addictive then Cocaine And no one is questioning how fucked up it is that we feed that shit to kids? I mean, im no better, i crave suger so damn much iv been buying like 4 pops every time i get thirsty, but still, more people should at least know that
Congratulations I hope it sells well and is a successful book You deserve the success
Probably fear for my life because its under constant attack I really hope it stops soon No one deserves to go through that kind of fear The illegal occupation has destroyed so much, and they continue to act as tho they are in the right Free Palestine 🇵🇸
As someone who owns a pacifier, i love that the little dude has one There vary helpful for my oral fixation I used to put cords in my mouth alot, and i do that less noe that i have one Plus it helps with age regression when it happens
God i hate eugenics so fucking much Can we not just let autistic people exist? How about instead of trying to genetically wipe out an entire demographic of really fun and intelligent people, we focus on making the world less traumatic for those people to exist Oh, ut that would be too much work
I really like this style I love the squrtle too, so cute, so tiny, so baby
I have no idea what your responding too in that original post btw
Okay Alice, you going to wonderland? If you do, let that fucking cat know he owes me money and weed And ill take his fucking kitty cat kneecaps if i dont get them both by sundown
Keep in mind that was the Canadian price But no, its not Shop around, go to actual card game stores, there probably cheaper there then at Walmart or whatever They make there money through the accessories i think Those can add up kinda fast i think But otherwise its not too bad
Mtg is worth getting into as well Honestly its probably easier to learn to play too Both are alot of fun in there own right tho I just like yugioh because of the animes
The starter packs that @kandyelmo.com were like 11$ or so each Its not too expensive if you go to the right shops (Some places there more expensive so shop around a bit) Individual cards aren't too bad eather Orice wise its all reasonably accessible if you have like 30-40$ to spare