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mostly relevant

Bodily autonomy, trans stuff, asexuality, neurodivergence, and other assorted interests.

Any pronouns | Queer, trans non-binary, asexual | Autistic | Trapped in a mediocre hell dimension
Jesus fucking Christ NO...we went through this shit with Warrior Moms and chelation, expensive diets and bullshit quackery that still telied heavily on strict and cruel applied behavior analysis. Fucking no.
The program is open to children and young adults from ages two to 30 and aims to “use science, education, compassion and love” to restore health and function in children, adults and families struggling with autism.
Moose Jaw-born neuroscientist launching program to reverse effects of The program is open to children and young adults from ages two to 30 and aims to “use science, education, compassion and love” to restore health and function in children, adults and families struggling with autism.
yeppp. i am agender but as of starting T almost 10 years ago, i've been read as a dude, so i use the men's room, and... the anxiety, i tell ya....
Being able to use the bathroom that corresponds with your gender is a serious issue for transmasculine people, as well. Nex Benedict was murdered in the school bathroom.
*sipping four lokos* tell me more about how i, a nonbinary transfemme, am being protected by the people who unironically started theymab discourse
Our eugenics program uses “science, education, compassion and love!” Go fuck yourselves.
The program is open to children and young adults from ages two to 30 and aims to “use science, education, compassion and love” to restore health and function in children, adults and families struggling with autism.
Moose Jaw-born neuroscientist launching program to reverse effects of The program is open to children and young adults from ages two to 30 and aims to “use science, education, compassion and love” to restore health and function in children, adults and families struggling with autism.
Hey if we're moots and you use dogshit terms like "theymabs" and consider "amab enbies" a threat to trans women as a group for some fucking reason, probably just fuck off forever yeah? Probably for the best you just fuck the fuck off.
AMAB NB folks who don't present as androgynous or on the femme spectrum are not "men-lite" or "queer men", stop fucking treating us like cisgender men. Don't succumb to in-fighting when at the end of the day, a bigot will look at us all and call each and every one of us a faggot. Be better.
the way people i thought i was in community with are talking about AMAB enbies is making me reevaluate whether or not my preference for the term "transfemme" is just ceding ground to false comrades who'd throw me under a bus for being clocky.
I also think that a detrimental effect to the increased specificity through which we can refer to our genders or lack thereof is the expectation that we be able to "understand" someone's gender to accept and respect it. This leaves nb's who people can't "understand" (stereotype) out in the cold
Are trans women forgetting that trans men know what it's like to experience misogyny and transphobia what in the fuck is going on
Some non-autistics get really angry when autistics discuss non-autistic communication from our own POV. We’re being MEAN to non-autistics! To them I say: Mainstream culture, up to and including medical science, treats autistic people like fucked-up subhumans. Cry harder & tone police someone else.
friendly reminder that trans people: - face elevated rates of violence, including police violence - face extreme levels of mistreatment within prison systems - have been medically experimented on for decades - have been forcibly sterilized - are demanded by society, and sometimes by legal [...]
All I'm going to say is this: Cis allies are neat. But a cis ally should never have a central position in a trans community, and if one has and is constantly starting conflicts 'on your behalf' that often involve attacking other trans people, you need to realize what you let happen.
you can say this to yourself in the mirror as many times as you need to its free and not illegal
i am trans enough to call myself trans. im the perfect amount of trans (the amount that is right for me). if someone thinks i need to change to better fit their ideas that is a them problem
i think pitting different marginalized groups against each other sucks shit
It hurts. Stop hurting us. We’re not being too sensitive, you’re not being sensitive enough. #Autistic
I'm so tired of trying to explain to people that sensory sensitivities aren't just 'this smell/texture/visual stimulus/sound/etc is annoying and I don't like it.'
"I don’t see any way that ABA can fit within a society where we value inclusion, and yet [the ABA industry is] trying to rebrand as being inclusive and being trauma-informed because they know those are the buzz words that people want."
"There is no affirming therapy that is ABA […] because the basis of the treatment is to change someone’s behavior. It’s to shape that person into someone else. Shape the way that they walk through life, experience life." Julie Roberts, to Anne Borden King:
Challenging the ABA industry: Julie Roberts of Therapist Neurodiversity In this episode we spoke with Julie Roberts, the founder of the Therapist Neurodiversity Collective. We discussed her new book, The Gold Standard Fallacy, a critique of the ABA industry, as well as…
Just sitting here mulling over the impact of Utah's anti DEI law passed this year (HB 261.) It was particularly targeted at schools, which is why all the public universities closed their pride centers, etc effective July 1. But the ripple effects on other government agencies are nasty too.
no one knows how november will play out and you can feel the tension. your friends are trying their best with all the info they have right now, if you want the same result try not to get angry if how you’d get there is not the same thought process as theirs
I do think a significant part of why cis people treat trans women like "oppression tourists" is that they genuinely believe we can just "take off the dress" and stop being oppressed at any time. It comes from a place of deep, apathetic ignorance about our lived experience, pre and post transition.
lotta cis people think we just throw on dresses and prance around bathrooms. They don’t realize that something as simple as your family still wanting you around is a massive luxury for us. that’s what we mean when we say cis privilege. They take for granted what we rarely have access to
I'm not on tiktok anymore, and I don't remember the creator. There was a video that started "Hey allies and accomplices: listen. You are going to fuck up." Everybody makes mistakes. How you deal with mistakes is what really matters. How you deal with mistakes will show if you're really an ally
hey here is an example of a meme that is not transphobic. hope this helps since you apparently love posting transphobic wojak memes & blocking anyone who politely points it out. there’s still time to apologize & delete that post. you do claim to be an ally, after all.
this is completely unacceptable. please unfollow & block he posted a transphobic comic, seemingly by accident. when trans people pointed this out, he turned off comments for the post & started mass blocking anyone criticizing the comic. who is Thomas Fuchs? Share widely & block him.
"Those people are everywhere" Fascists say about Trans People but yet,in my experience (the only one I can speak from,it's a lonely existence. Cis People, from my parents to my co-workers to random strangers believe misinformation about people like me and they refuse to be swayed otherwise...
I work(ed) at Rainbow Health and the message today was that the whole org is shutting down effective as of 5pm today. Managers are figuring out how to transfer HIV+ clients to other orgs such as Aliveness MH clients should reach out to your therapists asap, and figure out how to continue care
Yooo, if you get therapy from Rainbow Health or know friends who do, their CEO did some shady financial shit and the Mental Health side can't survive it and is getting shut down immediately (everyone locked out at 5 pm today)
So hey, is there a reason I've not seen any news stories published in local press about one of the biggest LGBTQ and HIV care providers in the state just very suddenly shutting down today, with barely two hours notice?
the underlying premise for a lot of cis people is that transphobia is something for cis people to talk about amongst themselves and we should be grateful for the rare occasions when they let one of us briefly interrupt the discussion they're having with each other about us
i stg, there is a *brand* of "allyship" that is designed solely for the consumption from cis people by other cis people and when any of these shitheads encounter an *actual* tranny, they'd rather block and protect the brand than introspect whether what they're doing is actually useful or not
ally: *makes bad defense of trans people* transfemme: "hey, don't defend us like that!!" ally: *blocks transfemme* EVERY TIME
idk, maybe if you have to limit replies on your “ally” meme post because trans people keep telling you it sucks, you should instead consider reading the room and deleting the post idk, idk!
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE #1: trans women are women #2: thomas fuchs is a sack of shit #3:
Stop putting “ally” in your bio. That’s not something you get to decide for yourself.