
Gaiman apologists positioning themselves as the wronged ones of the discourse learned nothing, cannot be trusted, and are a vital piece of the rape culture that makes it so hard for people to come forward.
Take the L, shut the fuck up, learn a bit and apologize in a future moment when you know in your bones how (and how bad) you fucked up.
Feeling like you're against rape and support survivors doesn't make it so. Rape occurs within an entire culture of practices and power. Rape and apologism are both technologies of violent control.
Pulling this shit doesn't just discourage people from coming forward, it encourages rapists to act and people to become rapists, and they *and* you fucking benefit from it.
i will add, a transceipt should have been available from Tortoise from the start. Basic accesibility in reporting is the fucking floor. This was *not* what the broad majority of refusing to go listen to survivors before commenting was based out of.
I won't even give that. Because the written article they did include was more than banking enough. UK libel laws are still outrageous. They could not have printed lies and kept them up for days. And at no point did the people calling for transcripts trust the people who saw the podcast.
This one is a slam dunk because even if you just believe the details he admits to, he fucked an employee 40 years his junior during lockdown