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I am tired of everyone being mean online all the time
Inside Out 2 is about puberty but they didnt even include a new Horniness emotion
Watch and episode of any 90s single sitcom, and tell me they weren't dumping people for reasons absolutely equal or dumber than "getting the ick"
The gift of super long Director's Extended Cuts (i.e. Hobbit, LOTR), is that there is so much footage, it could, someday, be cut into an actually good movie.
Hey guys the "Batman is a Cop" thing is basically true, but it's incredibly pedantic and Alan Moore made this point a long time ago so please stop saying that shit it is super annoying now.
Had to spend all afternoon formatting and reinstalling windows from nothing to fix some stupid issue, but should finally be able to start shadow of the erdtree tonight
This, folks, is Example A-1 why emulation remains undefeated and you can never trust a "Rights Holder" not to George Lucas your shit.
I made the mistake of buying the recent anniversary collection. They changed out "A MISERABLE LITTLE PILE OF SECRETS", and I immediately quit and got my refund. At least I still have the original PSN release.
Girl, what that virgilina do?
Cowards just north of the border here.
Symphony of the Night remains the greatest piece of vampire media ever created
I never understood Kansas City being in Missouri until I encountered Michigan City in Indiana and then I realized *obviously* they are named after the borders they are near. This city on the border or Michigan is the most Michigan of all Indiana cities. It makes sense! It’s not strange!
I understand that this site essentially gamifies your daily thoughts, but you need to conceive of that game as like a carnival diversion or at best a phone puzzle game. If you conceive of it like a dramatic RPG or a fighting game, you’re gonna be soooooo annoying
Mon mothma, snickering: Many bofa’ns died to bring us this information
A sign of academic/discourse mind poisoning is using terms like "imperial core" in contexts in which that kind of analysis is wildly unhelpful.
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Even a tepid choice can be a momentous change when the alternative is evil
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We must Sir Keir the existence of etc etc
Keir β€œthe Daily” Starmer
Kinda weird that whether or not a sitting president drops out of his re-election bid is entirely up to the editors of billionaire-owned newspapers.
Literally won a war to not have to care about this shit
Rishi is going to get a lot of deserved blame, but Bojo and Truss did so much to get this breakdown going, they really ought to wear this around their necks too. Wonder if Bojo will wriggle out?
My favorite part of Interstellar is how they don’t tell Matthew McConnaghy any of the important details until he is already in space
If the tories are redeced to less than a hundred seats and the left becomes the senior partner in a french coalition government, wow what a month it snap elections it will be
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People from any other country get really upset if you get a good "USA! USA!" chant going, because they know they have no comeback.
Its so funny how often the DEFICIT just doesnt matter at all for some reason
Sometimes when i cant remember an actors name i imagine googling it and sometimes that works and i see their name appear in my imaginary wikipedia result
God bless this silly country
Time for my annual bold declaration that i think fireworks are cool actually and the dogs can deal with it for one night