
Democracy lovers be like we can't enact voting reform, then our team might not get in :(
Representation of the voter base is bad, we might have to do policies that don't kill people to make the line go up
What is the big reform on the table?
There's nothing on the table right now, which makes it weirder when people are so happy to defend FPTP as a system Also I feel like it's strange that there's no reform on the table
If you were in charge, what would you suggest?
I quite like STV, but any PR system would be better especially if we also abolished the entirely undemocratic house of Lords
On that last point, I’m with you in spirit: the US Senate should not exist. Do you believe the constituencies would be drawn up fairly? Would larger constituencies make voters feel even further from their electeds?
I think right now our constituencies are actually largely drawn up okay weirdly, but also that's not my area of expertise so I can't say for sure I think we're also decent over here at having constituencies based on population rather than land
honestly every time british or american elections are i get so surprised someone still uses fptp systems.