Lily Baker

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Lily Baker

Lesbian, Actor, London-based

sw+trans positive

Reposted byAvatar Lily Baker
sometimes a joke is just for one follower and one follower only and they see it and all feels right in the world
I've decided I don't need to let all my anger out right now, however, and am instead going to think about this discworld quote:
It really is wrath month, huh
It really is wrath month, huh
One of my most annoying traits is I started saying "how goes it?" unironically several years ago This has, however, made every language I've tried to learn since then a lot easier to comprehend
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Reject Electoralism, Embrace Caligula-Leninist Thought
German word order is going to either unlock my brain so I'll be 20% smarter or send me into a coma and there's no inbetween
Reposted byAvatar Lily Baker
Unsurprisingly, the UK election was the most unrepresentative on record, with Labour getting both a lower vote share AND less overall votes than the previous election under Corbyn - yet still won a landslide in the commons. Electoral Reform is of upmost importance. It’s the bedrock of democracy.
Electoral Reform Electoral Reform Society - 2024 General Election Results
Reposted byAvatar Lily Baker
I understand that this site essentially gamifies your daily thoughts, but you need to conceive of that game as like a carnival diversion or at best a phone puzzle game. If you conceive of it like a dramatic RPG or a fighting game, you’re gonna be soooooo annoying
Reposted byAvatar Lily Baker
OKAY so TLDR, UK's FPTP is about 2-3x as bad at proportionality as d'Hondt PR in politically broadly similar climates
Cryptic crosswords are kinda cool, think a lot of people would enjoy them if they knew roughly how to do them
Reposted byAvatar Lily Baker
for gay wrath month we armed them
Someone remind me in 3 days to delete all of the ones that are a little too vicious and will stop me ever getting cast in Disney productions
I don't have ill will towards people who voted labour in this election unless they did it enthusiastically, at which point I think they're deepthroating the boot so hard the next person can kiss it when it comes out the other end
Democracy lovers be like we can't enact voting reform, then our team might not get in :(
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+210 seats gained on a +2% increase in vote share. FPTP Democracy truly a miracle of representation.
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I'm so glad we have a managerial class - everyone loves managers! We just need more management and for nothing to fundamentally change!
I used to do a lot of politics shitposting and nothing triggers a relapse like a general election
I store up all the bitterness I have about everyone I interact with and let it out as a stream of rage at politicians who are an acceptable target, this is the only way I know to stay sane
I'm really glad to have the other face of the two headed giant of capital in charge, I was getting so sick of the old one
I am posting through it (neoliberalism)
I'm so glad we have a managerial class - everyone loves managers! We just need more management and for nothing to fundamentally change!
Someone who is good at voting please help me budget this. my democracy is dying
Labour: 23500 votes per seat Tories: 56k vps Greens: 485k vps Democracy!
Why was every politician involved in this so literally and metaphorically wet? Sunak: rain press conference Davey: jumping in the lake Farage: covered in milkshake Starmer: Starmer
Here's how a 50% voter turnout in the latest election and lower total votes for Labour in 2019 is good for democracy, actually 👇 🧵 (1/2726)
Indulging in a little politics posting, as a treat (sorry)
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it's objectively funny that Labour got fewer votes in this election than they did in 2019
Labour, looking at the results "hm, it looks like we didn't so much win as the tories lost......... this means we have to shift further right"
Why do I still have thoughts? That was the point of drinking so much last night, I was supposed to not have thoughts afterwards
owwwwwww oof ouch owie oooooooooh my head horts
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i think i would be doing myself a disservice if i didn't let myself indulge in a little schadenfreude at the expense of the conservative party