
Despite four of my friends openly posting spoilers about Doctor Who (thanks, guys, for revealing the big bad AND NOBODY FUCKING REPLY TO THIS WITH IT BECAUSE THERE MIGHT BE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET LIKE ME), starting to get caught up and watched two more episodes...
...Soooo quick thoughts: "Dot and Bubble" - What the hell was the point of THAT? I wasn't big on the premise already, but you won me over as it went along... and then you just gave a middle finger to the audience with that ending. What are we supposed to take away from that? ...
...It's fine if people turn out to be evil/assholes/jackasses, but like... there's no justice or comeuppance. Yeah, they'll probably die out there because let's be real here, but we won't get to see it. There's no satisfaction, it's just jerking us around and it was such a bad...
...ending that Viga and I decided to watch the next episode as a palette cleanser... and thank God we did! "Rogue" - Fun, delightful, neat premise and great characters with good setup and payoff. A few minor contrivances, but just enjoyable and there was much squeeing in the...
Avatar from the kiss. Mind you, it also underlines the entire silliness of "you've been so traumatized by everything (including Mavic Chen for some reason no I'm not letting that go) that you need to stop!" when the Doctor outlines exactly how he works - he moves on.
But it was still a delight and I hope we see Rogue again (IF HE'S IN THE FINALE NO SPOILERS NO HINTS NO NOTHING, DAMN IT) and that was the kind of standard I want from RTD, sure as hell not Dot and Bubble.
People on the bird site explained and defended Dot and Bubble, but it doesn't make the episode any less frustrating as a result. Obviously it's fine if you liked it, but god Viga and I were miserable after that.
My feeling with Dot and Bubble is that it's a setup for something they're going to revisit later. Only time will tell (no pun intended).