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Comic reviewer and over-thinker of Power Rangers (He/Him).
Alrighty, got reminded to update Pokemon Infinite Fusions! There, did it! *Game will not load* And this is why we don't update things! ...But seriously, working on it. We'll either do an impromptu Among Us game or push it to tomorrow if we can't get it working in time.
THE SECOND PART OF THE MAKESHIP CAMPAIGN BEGINS TODAY! The plushie is funded, so if you paid for it, you're getting it, but if you missed the chance to get it before, you've got three weeks for a second chance! Pictures of the plush in the link!
Linkara Our magnificent comic defender is here! He is Linkara - defeater of evil robots and interdimensional dictators, defender of this universe, and guy who reviews comic books on the internet while saying ...
SPD redo is coming along - 16 minutes out of an hour 29 edited. I have reached the Kalishsplosion rant and breaking for dinner.
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No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
Sorry that the Avengers: Disassembled review didn't come out today as planned - just ended up being a busier day than I expected. I'm more than 2/3 done with it, so it'll definitely be tomorrow, most likely afternoon.
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Sure, I can mute any combination of these labels that currently exist, & that'd help. But one, it would be sweeping up innocent people--I know somre regular people who interact with me with no avatar or name or whatever. And two, sometimes the harasser makes a name/avatar.
Yeah, there are lists for No Display Name, No Avatar, Periodic, and Only Replies. But what would be more helpful is if I could mute people who've literally never replied to anybody at all, because the account is brand new & plans to make their absolute literal first post be an attack on me directly.
Reposted byAvatar Linkara
Feels like people don't understand what I need & the specific situation I'm running into right now. Labeling doesn't help if I can't mute/block that label, lists don't work if the account is so new that it hasn't gotten on any lists. I just want to mute/block accounts that are literally seconds old.
If I could mute people who only JUST made their account, yes, that would mitigate a lot of it, but I don't know of a way to do that right now.
Finished the season finale of Doctor Who - all caught up! 80% good, 20% "Oh, come the fuck on" or "Wait, what?"
Man, the fascist grifters get too much money. I need to try to funnel it my way. Hey! Buy a custom red/white/blue Robomat to own the wokes! ...The pride flag ones? Uhhh... they're there ironically! Yeah! Buy those, too, ironically! Libs hate that!
Atop the Fourth The official Storenvy shop for Atop the Fourth Wall Merchandise! NOTE: Prices may fluctuate due to changes in shipping rates, material costs, and new information.
Despite four of my friends openly posting spoilers about Doctor Who (thanks, guys, for revealing the big bad AND NOBODY FUCKING REPLY TO THIS WITH IT BECAUSE THERE MIGHT BE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET LIKE ME), starting to get caught up and watched two more episodes...
Fellas, is it gay to review a movie about the Moomins?
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Hey,, I'm reaching out to everyone who I can. Can you reskeet/repost/whatever my mother's and I's GoFundMe? We've almost lost everything, scratching by through the skin of our teeth, and we need the support of a lifetime here.
Midweek retweet for my mom's and I's fundraiser. If you can, please, donate something towards it to help us. Ma's a US Air Force vet and we're homeless and now without a van, and we need alll the help we can get... #signalboost #fundraising #veteran
Help Charles & Tammy Overcome Legal Hurdles, organized by Charles My name is Charles Swanson. I'm speaking alongside my mother, Tammy Dunsta… Charles Swanson needs your support for Help Charles & Tammy Overcome Legal Hurdles
Pushing the Infinite Fusions Stream to tomorrow night while I work on other stuff. Have a good rest of the day!
Just watched Doctor Who - "73 Yards." Huh. Yeah, atmospheric and all, I overall liked it... but this was kind of nonsensical? And it feels like Doctor Who pulling an "It's magic; we don't have to explain it."
"Jingle Jingle, motherfucker. I kill dragons."
Hey, what would be the absolute worst thing to happen when I already had to go buy a new lawnmower? When I set up my camera to film the new episode... and the camera won't turn on. The power brick's light is flickering, so I'm hoping the issue is just that/dead batteries...
Reposted byAvatar Linkara
Avatar Hey Linkara, I'm a queer Muslim creator with a Kickstarter right now for my Golden Age inspired trans lesbian Muslim superhero, "Kobra Olympus". We're on Issue 2 and we're reprinting Issue 1 with new colors. Your support would mean a lot.
Kobra Olympus Issue #2 "Robot Rumble!" New adventures of trans lesbian Muslim superhero, Kobra Olympus, as she battles robots and makes queer friends!
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Yub nub motherfuckers
The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded