
Guys. I am not a quant person but even I know that pushing a sub sample of a larger phone poll from early in June with a 0.8% response rate, where no one who ignores unlabeled numbers on their cellphone responded, tells you nothing about the electorate. Stop letting bad polls drive your politics.
If you're talking about the cognitive capacity poll, it says June 28-29, which is not "early in June".
Should have said earlier in June. It was following the same population from a June 17 poll, which they helpfully note at the bottom of the CBS piece
I don't think that correction fixes all the errors in your description "a sub sample of a larger phone poll from early in June with a 0.8% response rate, where no one who ignores unlabeled numbers on their cellphone responded". Where do you see this is a phone poll with a 0.8% response rate?
Because that’s the original poll they drew these respondents from. It was like 800,000 calls to get like 10,000 responses
Having trouble finding that in the PDF detail for the June 17-21 poll...